Tuesday, 30 June 2015


Unique effort Manoj. My heartiest commendations to you for your gifting a copy of the biography of Swami Nirmalananda to Shree Narendra Modi, our honourable Prime Minister, who is an ardent devotee of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda. The way you are propagating the life and message of Swami Nirmalananda and trying against all odds to resurrect the lost position of this leonine Apostle of Ramakrishna in the pantheon of the Master's direct disciples deserves the highest praise and I am sure in the long run society will recognize your sterling contribution towards the achieving of this noble aim when in the not too distant future Nirmalanandaji will be accorded his due place despite all organizational attempt to distort history for whatever queer motivations impelling such endeavour. Success seems imminent and you may take heart from the fact that truth cannot be hidden for long being the 'corrosive substance of infinite power' (Vivekananda) and it is time that the truth of Nirmalanandaji's discipleship should surface. At any rate, it seems the Master is behind your noble endeavour and as such, who can turn the course of His will? Swami Nirmalananda will be recognized once more as the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and we, devotees, will rejoice at it. Long live your effort and long live you too, dear brother, for having introduced us to this truth hid behind the cover of collective convenience that cannot be condoned at all! May your service to the cause of the restoration of historical truth remain as a beacon in our turbulent times when distortion of history is commonplace and reaches even the highest echelons of society and venerated ones we look up to also collude with the forces of falsity to concoct fantastic fabrications! Dear Manoj, it is devotees like you who are the salt of the earth and who keep the flag of freedom of the soul flying high above the follies and foibles of mortal man, however cloaked in holiness they be, and who indeed by their sacrifice and warmth of love set aglow sympathetic flames in the hearts of others to veritably advance the very Cause for which the Master and His children descended on Earth. I sincerely hope that Nirmalanandaji will set aflame Modiji's mind and the nation will benefit by its fruition. Thanks a million, friend, for this yeoman service you have rendered to the Motherland. May Mother indeed bless you in Her own inimitable way is the prayer of this utterly humbled friend of yours! Jay Thakur! Jay Ma! Jay Swamiji! Jay Nirmalanandaji!

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