Friday, 26 June 2015


Wars have been fought enough. Now give peace a chance. The children of the world do not deserve the violence perpetrated by irresponsible adults. Let the children live. Problems political have always been there and always will be. That does not mean people will keep on fighting like primitive brutes. No one has the right to create war or dictate terms on the basis of the abominable principle of 'Might is right'. Let governments take heed wherever they be that enough is enough and that the awakened masses wish to live and not merely to die in the flower of their youth. Culture demands, civilization urges that there be dialogue, discussion, deliberation and not diabolic designs of destruction to resolve international issues. Let the Nobel Peace Prize be not politicized and let it be awarded solely on the basis of merit and not political expediency. World leaders, first form your character and then proceed to resolve larger issues that affect us all. First learn to look beyond your selfish national or organizational gains before you even venture to take decisions that affect the lives of billions, the larger humanity most of whom possess brighter and holier character than you.

The past of the world is littered with the debris of the ephemeral achievements of dictators and despots. Mankind has suffered untold misery at the hands of a handful of partial philosophers or megalomaniacs and it is time to wake up to the call of civilization to take matters into our own hands through massive public opinion against war and enforcement the world over. The people of the world must be educated about the fact that their fate is not solely in the hands of a few usurpers of power but  that their future they themselves can shape and must shape through enlightened living if humanity is to survive beyond today. The morrow beckons us to take up a united stand for peace the world over and it is our serious responsibility to discharge our duties in this direction wisely and efficaciously. We cannot stand as mute witnesses to the massacre of millions in the name of racism, radical religious fanaticism or political ideological brutality and yet absolve ourselves of all responsibility for such heinous murderous perpetration. Therefore, citizens of the world, look beyond your national interests and have a global vision of peace and goodwill and so build up a movement of massive public opinion which is the essence of democracy to thwart malicious governmental designs of spreading war for political or economic interests. Businessmen, bankers and industrialists also beware!Your profits must no more be earned by selling devices of death, weapons of warfare and through the creation of economic embargo against hapless nations that know not how else to get out of their shackles than to surrender themselves to the primrose promises of dictators who devastate them.

Let us all hearken to the call of the Divine within ourselves and help each other build up a prosperous world-order and not merely a prosperous nation or a group of allied nations. Let us realize that peace alone can ensure prosperity and happiness for humanity despite the many obvious iniquities that abound everywhere. This is no shirking of responsibility towards the weaker sections of humanity nor is it a covert alignment of stance with the exploitative powers that have for ages been sucking the life-blood of the millions in all nations. This is the civilized way, the only practical solution to the age-old problems that have beset humanity whose solutions have never been found in violence or warfare which has only aggravated them, and it behoves us to remember that we must extricate ourselves from the vicious cycle of violence and address our human problems in a human way through scientific, rational thinking and an enlightened approach of an integrated vision where the heart must never be sacrificed for what the head dictates. In other words, whatever be the magnitude of the malady menacing our lives, we must be merciful in our dealings and never malicious. Problems are there only to be resolved and like scientific problems are intelligently dealt with and not by diabolic death-blows, so must human problems be faced square on but with a vision steeped in spiritual values that help all and harm none. Even if it be argued that such a suggested mode is over-simplistic and can never work in today's global scenario, let it be remembered that this is our only hope, else their may be no tomorrow.

May all beings be peaceful!
May all beings be healthy!
May all beings be blissful!
May all beings move towards the One which is their essence, Existence Absolute, Bliss Absolute, Knowledge Absolute!
Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! (Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!)

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