Wednesday 17 June 2015


Swami Brahmananda was born Rakhal Chandra Ghosh on 21 January, 1863 in Sikra, Kulingram, a place 57.6 km to the north-west of Kolkata. Rakhal had a spiritual inclination from early boyhood and was given to the practice of meditation. This is a singular feature in all great souls of the spiritual realm in that they exhibit early symptoms of their future glorious adult life thus. This was especially true of Swami Vivekananda, Rakhal's great future compatriot. The same may be said about Sri Ramakrishna's boyhood as well. It seems as though these souls have a memory of their life before terrestrial birth or their past terrestrial incarnations whence habits have descended unto the present birth in the form of 'sanskaras' (embedded impressions in the subtle body/mind).

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