Sunday, 14 June 2015


We've come for a brief stage-show. Let us play our parts creating as less stir as possible so that the enactment of the roles of others may not be hindered. This is real charity, non-violence, if you wish to call it so, this, the genesis of true love. What a commotion is created by some that they may live their lives their way, though such living may not be conducive to social harmony! Time it is to ponder that we must no more behave like 'colliding units', to quote Bertrand Russell, that we must behave as responsible human beings with a positive social commitment and never, purposefully, a negative one. Ours is an opportunity to live in a civilised world in society with fellow human beings so that we may fast evolve into maturer souls through experience. And this experience is broadened in canvas by the relative leisure offered through the mechanism of social organisation based on mutual help and co-operation as opposed to competition and conflict as is so often the case when barbarism raises its ugly hood to suppress human aspirations of a more refined mode.

Life is a brief spectacle for the individual and let each play his part free of fear, spontaneous, true. The Divine Director does not dictate terms once the play is on. So, let none else usurp authority to do so. Life ought to be a free play of diverse forces, democratic and civilised, cultured and humane, once evolution has reached the human plane, and the animal principle of evolution, that of survival of the fittest, ought not to be the governing principle of human society. Evolution of the human species is quickened along humane channels following genuine spiritual principles and greatly impaired by enforced doctrinaire training founded on irrational assertions of prophets or philosophers or dictators. The human mind is highly pliable and prone to influences of all sorts and care must especially be taken to save-guard children from these nefarious doctrinaire cults that they may be free of the trappings of dubious traditional injunctions based on personal authority as also of equally gripping modern extreme theories of hate in the name of philosophy. A sensitive, rational, humane education imparted to children the world over may save the world from its present ills in the coming generations but to achieve this task seems an impossible dream given the global situation. The world is caught in the snares of age-old practices and beliefs and it will take some doing before these archaic modes are given up by the vast majority of people for the world to progress towards a more enlightened path.

Be that as it may, all social changes have as of now been highly volatile and consequently society has had to progress and often retrogress as well through a deluge of blood and senseless destruction of culture. However, over the centuries, with the evolution of technology and more effective means of communication, violence in ushering in changes has been on the decline as was evident from the almost bloodless counter-revolutions in Eastern Europe and Soviet Russia in 1989-90, in sharp contrast to the classical bloody revolutions in France (1789) and Russia (1917). This augurs well for the future although such extreme illustrations cannot however underplay the persistent harm caused to civilised human living by the constant excitation and stir created by the boisterous elements of society merged in malicious intent that spare not any from their malignant web. A new culture needs to be evolved where human rights will be respected and not so easily infringed all the time on the basis of dubious claims of religious or political theory. The sacredness of life and living ought to be accepted as the fundamental basis of social existence which no text, however holy, may violate on whatever prophetic so-called inviolability.

Society forges its own way in its path of evolution. Let this progression be one of peace, this movement one of conjoint action full of concord and not violent, disruptive discord where the ideal is lost in the din of the day and the babble remains the vestige of an eternal circuiting on the same plane we so often in error call human progress. The less the verbal fury, the better; the less the whipping up of passions, the better. Frenzied movement of the mind is contra-disposed towards sane, rational, free thinking essential for any forward movement of the human species, be it in the domain of the Spirit or in the terrestrial realm of social adjustment. The forces at play are locked in a titanic struggle for supremacy, quite a tangle of energy-bundles which require deft handling and not barbarous dealing for their disentanglement or resolution. Else, a precipitous free-fall of human society into primitive chaos will be the natural corollary of any theorem of violent social reconstruction as was evident in the two World Wars and the repression of humanity in Communist dictatorships.

Life is a splendid spectacle when left undisturbed by raucous elements. The variegated distribution of energy which manifests as this panoramic existence on Earth is in no need of 'superior' intelligence of The Chosen One or a chosen few to guide its destiny. It is a self-driven mechanism, beautifully functioning if left free to guide itself for each of the elements of nature is coded with the imprint of the Self within it to lead it to its safe haven. None needs to lose sleep over the salvation of his fellow-mate. Let each keep his own counsel and so let others do the same. This is the way to individual and collective peace. Each one realise your own truth beating in your own heart and limit your own actions thereof only to the domain of peaceful, civilised, cultured service to your fellow-beings without in any measure disturbing their own peace and inner equilibrium by your proselytisation and aggressive posturings thereof. This is the surest solution to the world's multitudinous ills as they are now manifest and as they ever keep manifesting. The path is long and tortuous, the movement an ascent into uncharted terrain. It is a razor's edge that we traverse. Let us help each other, fellow pilgrims in this adventure of the soul. Let us hold hands to secure our advance through the blizzards and the avalanches that threaten to sweep us all. We shall triumph for we are made of the stuff of which gods are made and of even wondrous stuff. Let us then pledge brothers that we shall help each other and not hinder, make pathways for progress through the tide of times and not career civilisation backwards, and that we shall ever remember that though Absolute Truth be one, the approaches towards it are many. Bearing this in mind we shall advance and let others advance, each along his radial line of evolution onto the common centre where all radii eventually converge to become one with the Cosmic Mother-heart. Peace be unto all.

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