Monday 15 September 2014


So many different styles of writing, so many approaches to the same passage, it's quite exhilarating. None of them though are literally accurate although they are thematically so. What is important to observe here is whether you are being as close to the original text as possible or not. Is the drift in your rendition within permissible limits in your own estimation, for always you are the original and the final critic of your composition, or is it way too far from what it ought to be in terms of fidelity to the original text ? Masterly style each one of you have exhibited but I fear you ought to exercise greater restraint in your literary flourishes in a translation exercise than perhaps you deemed it fit to do. Stylistic embellishments notwithstanding, adherence to the text is an imperative in any translation exercise with as close as possible a rendition an inviolable principle to be followed. Congratulations to all of you though for the freedom with which you are wielding words which make your translation work appear like original writing of yours. And this is the secret of good writing, free, carefree, buoyant self-expression with literary liberty within parametric bounds of aesthetics. My salutations to all of you for your continuing commendable efforts.

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