Saturday 20 September 2014


This page is dedicated to those heroic souls who accompanied the Master in his earthly sojourn to found his mission on earth and to those succeeding generations of their disciples who have tirelessly striven to bring about the golden transformation of the consciousness of man that humanity may stand transfigured in the light of the Divine that shines in all. Members are requested to study the lives of these luminous beings who have sacrificed their all at the clarion call of the Master, "Oh, where are you all? I can scarcely stay anymore without seeing you. Come, my children, tarry no more, the hour passes by." My friends, read these lives, meditate on them, then sacrifice your all at their behest that you may see the Divine in all that is the purpose of your terrestrial existence. Serve and be free, this the living God that surrounds you. Members are requested to post only in English. May Thakur and his beloved disciples bless all is the fervent prayer of this servant of theirs!

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