Monday 15 September 2014


A simple free-flowing style of writing straight from the heart and rooted in personal experience communicates best and addresses the heart of the reader. A conversational style often is most suited to the cause of setting up an easy link with the reader. Thus, the modern mode is to write in as colloquial a style as is possible maintaining literary levels and establishes a rapport with the reader best. But to attain to this easy free-flowing style requires much reading and assimilation of stylistic patterns in the mind. It also requires one to be blessed with the gift for good writing, in simpler terms, sheer talent. But all may endeavour to write better than what they do by practice of good reading and regular writing for clarity comes gradually with disciplined labour and sustained effort at excellence. The ideas evolving to their efflorescence, the words fit in to become perfect vehicles of expression and then writing stands self-luminous, resplendent in its own glory and the reader is carried away by the tide of words and ideas, thoughts and imagery to the wondrous heights of literary exposition.

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