Monday 15 September 2014


The secret of writing good English is to write simple English. There is a common misconception that a high-flown style of writing is synonymous with good writing. But the object of writing being communication, it is better that a softer style be adopted which reaches the understanding of the reader. Linguistic embellishments notwithstanding, the goal must be to set up an easy link with the mind of the reader that he may comprehend the subject-matter with ease. This does not mean that there must be a total dilution of the standard of writing. Rather the simplicity of expression must be effected in a manner that the style remains lucid and free-flowing. Swami Vivekananda used to highly recommend the conversational style of writing which takes the reader into confidence and so creates a one-to-one communication channel which never fails to inspire interest in the piece being read. He held his Guru's colloquial tongue as the best form of literary expression. May all of you read the choicest of literature and write sublime English is my heart-felt desire ! Jai Ramakrishna !

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