Saturday, 30 July 2022



India faces terrible dangers within and without. The greats of the 19th and 20th centuries could save at a terrible partitioned price only a fraction of India while the rest of it was cleaved away by jihad and geopolitics in the form of Pakistan. What became India thereby is again under internal and external threat and the bulk of the population sleeps to the danger. If we do not become self-conscious and secure in knowledge, the enemy will keep dealing death-blows till India, as she historically has been, is no more. For this education is necessary of the enemy's intent and cultural content. Mass awareness thus raised and India's hoary heritage enlivened within the bulk of the polity, her security may be ensured. But uppermost must be the raising of the deplorable condition of the masses who form the rank and file of the nation. These teeming millions, nay, hundreds of millions, are the real strength of the nation and they must be empowered through education, employment and exploitation-free atmosphere. Unfortunately, everywhere their labour is extracted at an exploitative low price and they are made to sink lower and lower. Even spiritual orders of renown horribly exploit their labour and pay their employees abysmally low salaries that would merit ridicule in a Western country where they preach the Vedanta. This must be resisted and labour laws enforced everywhere whereby the bulk of humanity in India sees the living light of freedom. Then and only then will 'India rise to life and freedom.' Remember, there are enemies without and enemies within. Now, educate yourself in self and national awareness to identifying them and, armed in such knowledge, arise in defence of the motherland and her continuing but constrained cultural life, her 'wounded civilisation'.

Written by Sugata Bose

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