Saturday, 16 July 2022



1. A significant section of Hindus are the biggest enemies of Hinduism. Shameful! Despite a thousand year slavery they continue to hurt their own cause.

2. Slaves bicker among themselves. They cannot unite and, so, fall prey repeatedly to the ever-alert predator. Such has been the sad lot of Hindus as they fail to perceive their existential threat at the hands of proselytising Abrahamic religions.

3. Slaves, they want to rule over others, not knowing that they thereby merely exhibit their slavery.

4. স্বামীজীর ছবির পূজা ভাল কিন্তু আরো ভাল তাঁর বাণীর অনুধাবন ও পালন | পোস্টগুলো পড়ুন | শুধু ছবির মহিমাকীর্তনেই ক্ষান্ত হবেন না | স্বামীজী চাইতেন মানুষ তার মস্তিষ্কের ব্যবহার করবে | তাই করুন | তবেই তো ঠিক ঠিক ভক্তি |

5. Everybody talks about the democratic process. What about the demographic process with all its inevitable implications?

6. Reformation is necessary. But if you will not allow legitimate discourse citing threat to communal harmony, then how will society progress? 21st century humanity cannot be held hostage to medieval absolutism.

7. If you have a bare minimum of humanity, a tinge of rationality in you, can you yet hold onto medieval ideas that are patently antihuman?

8. Make it a habit to read Swami Vivekananda everyday. That is a sure way of a Hindu renaissance. Vivekananda will give you courage of conviction and remove all cowardice. Then and then alone will Hindus survive as a flourishing civilisation.

9. Tolerating intolerance cannot be a democratic option as we see now. If so, then democracy dies and is replaced by totalitarianism which will be the death of everything high and noble in human civilisation. 

10. Persecution of Hindus continues unabated in Bangladesh.

11. Nipping in the bud all critical inquiry into theological assumptions degrades humanity. Better by far the scientific method of investigation into the claims of religion. Let evidence prove the veracity of such claims. Let reason be the guide and not arbitrary faith that has thus far held down humanity to the dark ages.

12. India must become a Hindu Rashtra 🕉 for her abiding spirit is Hinduism.

13. If you are a Hindu, practise its pristine precepts and preach the same far and wide in the spirit of service.

14. Cowards cannot realise God even if they be monks.

15. Christianity and Hinduism will unite to overcome the dark forces of religion. Ramakrishna and Christ will embrace in spiritual union.

16. The very Church that proposes peace also proposes proselytism. Strange!

17. We are not atheists. Our power we derive from Ramakrishna. He is the fountainhead of all that we are.

18. One's last resort is one's most neglected.

19. The golden mean is to be struck between obedience and independence. 

20. Let the imagination soar unto heights of sublimity. Let the Spirit soar through limpid spaces.

21. I will restrict myself. I will raise myself and go beyond range. I am the rainbow being that melts into nothingness.

22. A spiritual symphony is in the making. It will overspread the world. The mission has slipped. A newer message is in the offing. The past will bury itself. A fresh efflorescence shall be.

24. Success cannot be in the absence of proper communication. A preoccupation with self is contradisposed to community success.

25. Monotheism will never win in India. The people love pictures too much.

26. Time for a change of gears for Hinduism. According to Swamiji Hinduism must go aggressive.

27. Devotion is constant loving memory of God and zero animosity to any. But resistance to evil must, nonetheless, be there and it must be paramount.

28. We carry the baggage of this world so long we are in the body. Once the body is gone, we are released of this universal burden.

29. May the heart be an expanding circle of love that embraces more and more people within its fold!

30. I cannot submit to God to get a passport to heaven. My love will create a heaven here on earth.

31. Do you believe in rebirth?

32. Does religion make man static?

33. Why is it that liberalism dies over and over again and fanaticism invariably wins to create its stranglehold on civilisation?

34. Hindu culture must be made to spread in the world. Otherwise, the forces of the dark will destroy humanity.

35. Does truth win or falsity?

36. Are we in the grip of medieval barbarism or are we truly civilised?

37. Hindu solidarity is needed. Overcome divisions within and unite on a common front. Let 🕉 be the divine symbol of solidarity.

38. When truth goes, goes with it virtue.

39. Every material object has a spiritual idea governing it.

40. Matter is the clothing of the Spirit.

41. Do not concern yourself with the faults of others. Rectify your own.

42. Time is flying, life is limited, wake up!

43. The Vedanta is the only universal idea that embraces all. All else are sectarian by differing degrees.

44. Let us clean up our hearts. That is the one Temple we need to keep tidy.

45. I am not the body. I am the enthroned Being within it. I am the Lord of this encapsulated universal mansion.

46. Is there a God beyond Me? None whatsoever. But who am I?

47. There is not a moment's rest for us. We are always working within and without. Even the laziest lazes not. In his idleness he broods feverishly.

48. The survival of us collectively depends on our efforts individually.

49. Man made God in His own image.

50. The Spirit is a discovery, religion an invention.

51. I shall cast in my own ploughshare of work and others will follow. Life must follow life.

52. Brush after eating. Do not eat after brushing. Brush twice a day. Teeth kept well, health remains well.

53. Every morning wake up to bow before your Self. But bow in humility and awareness of your inner glory and vow not to be vain.

54. Relative truth is relative falsity. Only the Absolute Brahman abides in transcendental Truth-status.

55. Perspectives define perception within the relative realm. But there is a state beyond the senses where perceiver, perceived and perception become One. To discover that transcendental Truth is the goal of individual and collective evolution.

56. Crooked people take to crooked philosophies. The virtuous ones are Vedantic.

57. We need Vedanta with a human face, not capitalism couched as Vedanta as the modern monks are resorting to.

58. A spiritual organisation cannot last long if it shifts its basis from Spirit to Money. Beware!

59. Sri Ramakrishna's prasad does not remain prasad if money is charged for it. Gone are the golden days when 'money is mud, mud money' (টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা) used to be the golden principle of organisational life.

60. চোখ দিয়ে দেখুন | মা তাকিয়ে আছেন আপনার দিকে আপনারাই চোখ দিয়ে | এখন প্রশ্ন হল, কার চোখ? কে বা তিনি? কে আপনি?

61. We are increasingly en masse becoming ignoramuses.

62. Has the mind been mortgaged to raising pictorial funds of ignorance?

63. আগামী প্রজন্মের বাচ্চারা লেখাপড়া ছেড়ে যদি তাদের অভিভাবকদের দেখাদেখি শুধু ছবির পূজো শুরু করে, যথা পদার্থবিদ্যায় আইনস্টাইন ও নিউটন প্রভৃতির, তাহলে কি মা-বাবারা খুশী হবেন?

64. Vedanta was discovered in India but is yet to be appreciated and applied in collective life by her citizenry.

65. We need a handful of brave and uncompromising patriots, not a nation of compromising fools. It is quality and not quantity that matters.


শিমলার পুকুরে বাটি ডুবিয়ে

তুলেছি আমি হিমজল |

কাদের কথা বলি, ভেবে ভেবে তিনদিন

পারিস যদি তোরা বল |

67. The ability to call a spade a spade is a rare virtue indeed, especially in these days of wholesale sycophancy and compromised 'truth'-telling.

68. Devotees are conservative by nature and cannot bear truth-telling even when furnished with evidence. Alas, truth has taken to its celestial flight!

69. My Guru must be God even when he is not so. Religion then becomes more of a brainwashing exercise than a reasonable one.

70. Sri Ramakrishna said, "Money is mud, mud money" (টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা), an ideal which has been sadly and badly cast aside.

71. Employees must not be paid a monthly salary of INR 1250/2500/3000/4000 by spiritual organisations that receive public donation by the millions.

72. The nexus between the rich and the religious in equal exploitation of the masses is an age-old phenomenon.

73. Sri Ramakrishna had prophesied that he would reappear in human form after 100 years. 100 years are already over. Is the Lord among us now?

74. Save more to save yourself from potential penury in distressing times. Money will be devalued like anything in the decades ahead.

75. I will fall at the feet of the pariah before I bow before the ochre-exalted earthly one.

76. Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj) was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. When will he be reinstated as such after being removed from his rank since the 1960s? When will historical truth be restored and fanciful falsification disallowed within the holy precincts of organisational life? If truth goes, goes with it virtue and vice reigns with unhindered venomous spread.

77. Belief is bad when it is blind as it invariably is. Experience of spiritual truth followed by rational justification if there be any to it, is acceptable.

78. Belief-based religions must adopt the scientific method or die in due course as society in modern knowledge advances. Where they fail to modify scripture or to shelve outdated principles that have been falsified by modern discovery, they will expire when their term of survival is over. As man advances, his philosophical awareness advances with it and outdated religions will be cast to the wastebin of history. 

79. Learn rationality from Tagore. Stop being of unsound mind that depends on the irrational assumptions and arbitrary impositions of absolutist religions.

80. Giving tall talks on spirituality while pursuing monetary ends for supposed organisational consolidation is a hypocrisy that may be dispensed with.

81. Swamiji had forewarned the organisational pitfall of 'hanging by the sleeves of the rich'. And how true his prophecy has come, alas!

82. If spiritual organisations justify the raising of funds at the cost of core principles, they are bound to lose character and in consequence public sympathy in the end.

83. Ramakrishna, the loner who has now again been left in the wilderness with his principles withering away in the desert-sand of desire. His life's spiritual gains lie wastefully floundering in the absence of takers as men resort to money-making by way of supposed consolidation of welfare work. The Master has been badly let down yet again and that will necessitate his future descent in earthly attire.

84. If we are true followers of Ramakrishna, we must renounce totally all unholy association with filthy lucre that is corroding his very cause.

85. No organisational justification for money-making ought to be supported when it is a non-profit spiritual body of pristine principles dating back to the Master. Those that support such declining spiritual standards do the Order great disservice.

86. Sycophancy must not be construed as devotion.

87. If everything was going right about the mission of Mahaprabhu as his followers would claim, why did the Lord descend again as Ramakrishna? The same applies to the mission of the Master this time which when floundering will hasten the descent of the Divine. And, has not the hour arrived?

88. Sycophants are sycophants. They can never become devotees. The rich are ever hands-in-glove with the religious. Capitalism seeks the 'spiritual' facade to fulfil its nefarious needs.

89. When prasad is sold, it ceases to be so.

90. Rare is the devotee who stands up for truth. The bulk of humanity compromise slavishly with ongoing corruption within a spiritual order.

91. Donation must not be cleverly manipulated out of the pockets of the unsuspecting. Demanding donation by way of extracting the price of prasad depreciates the goodwill of a spiritual order obtained at a superlative sacrificial price.

92. Swamiji cries in the wilderness in vain as his followers 'hang on to the sleeves of the rich', an act that invariably spells the doom of a spiritual order as amply testified by history.

93. Those devotees who support low organisational compromise with spiritual principles, effectively spell the doom of the organisation. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof!

94. Loyalty to organisation must not degenerate to making common cause with corruption camouflaged as commercial need of the hour.

95. Ramakrishna asked them to renounce. They have now renounced Ramakrishna himself.

96. Defeat idea by idea, toxic ideology by enlightened rationality and resistance.

97. লেখাগুলো পড়ুন, বুঝুন, দেশের বিপদের দিনে জাগ্রত হ'ন | ছবির মহিমাকীর্তন ছেড়ে বাস্তবসত্য জানুন, বুঝুন, সচেতন হ'ন |

98. Europe is learning her bitter lesson of demographic overpowering. India shall learn hers as well.

99. Compromise and corruption are siblings. Those who indulge in one, necessarily give in to the other.

100. Those who blindly abide by authority without discerning between right and wrong may be fanatics but not devotees. Such, unfortunately, is the lot of many so-called devotees who will support organisational indiscretion at any cost but will never raise their voice against such. These, when they form the rank and file of the laity that provides the economic bulwark of a spiritual order that has gone wrong, are traitorous to the cause that the movement by original principle stands for, a movement which once upheld lofty spiritual values but has since strayed badly from the straight path. These devotees are destroyers of the Master's mission.

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