1. The froth of life does not contain the depth of truth. Dive within to discover the gem.
2. Truth, even if universal, is personal, not organisational, for perception itself is personal and so is liberation. The collective is a numeral derivative much like the individual, an extension of discrete thought. The vast multiplicity is built about the one, the one central self which is termed unitary consciousness.
3. Will the sun of consciousness shine on India or shall we sink in the mire of routine ritualism bereft of thought?
4. My object is to induce men to think, an act and an enterprise that has become a curio, a museum piece fit for idle marvelling.
5. The enlightened argue and come to consensus or agree to differ; rogues threaten to kill and silence thought and free speech.
6. Christianity must be strengthened in order to combat the undermining of Europe. The orthodox has the requisite character to resist civilisaltional destruction which the liberal in his myopic vision allows.
7. Hindus do not understand the extent of the threat to which they are exposed as a civilisation. The divisions within are devitalising, the attacks from without menacing. Demographic change will deliver the coup d'état. 'Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.'
8. Shun stupidity and arm yourself in valour. Swamiji hated cowardice.
9. হিন্দুরা চিন্তা করা ছাড়ছে; চিন্তার বিষয় |
10. The ostrich-mentality cannot save. 'Face the brute.'
11. Stop shedding tears. Arise and act.
12. Europe has renounced Christianity largely and is now facing a run-over by Islam due to demographic transition and the vacuous space being filled up by an alternative way of religious living. Christianity must be strengthened to face the challenge. Else, Europe's identity will be lost in the foreseeable future. Mere liberalism cannot meet the challenge owing to the game of numbers threatening Europe and because a lack of definite cultural identity amongst Europeans post de-Christianisation has led to a terrible weakening of the social fabric. Europe must retrace its Christian ways to ward off the coming danger of wholesale Islamisation.
13. Ignorance has its own certitude in misconception and misrepresentation. The knowledgeable are wary in judgement, hesitant in assertion. Not so the ignorant who rush to sweeping conclusions and absolute assertions which seem inviolable by their supposed surety of statement.
14. It is time to punctuate posts properly. A completed sentence without a full-stop, capital letters and small letters interchanging indiscriminately and like linguistic errors en masse do not augur well for the intellectual development of a country. Kindly be more accurate in your assertions, both factually and in punctuated representation.
The lion-soul with a failing legacy. We have let him down. Only Swami Asheshananda regretted thus before Bharat Maharaj in America. Alas, introspection today is so sadly lacking!
আমরা কি এঁদেরই উত্তরসূরী? ভাববার বিষয় | সাহস কই?
17. ছবির তো জয়জয়াকার | ভাবেরও জয়জয়াকার হ'ক | কি বলেন?
18. হিন্দু হয়ে গীতা-কথামৃত-স্বামীজী পাঠ না করা বড়ই লজ্জার ! কেমন হিন্দু তাহলে?
19. Whosoever follows the Lord will be led to the Light within. Then the whole world will light up as well with a divine effulgence.
20. Read the Upanishads and remove vagueness of idea about your religion.
21. A handful of men led by an able leader can start a revolution of ideas that will spread like wild fire in due course igniting and illuminating the world.
22. Give up honouring the ordinary descendants of extraordinarily great people simply because of their lineage. This is mental slavery that is symptomatic of a persisting feudal mindset.
23. Earn your own honour by dint of your own merit. Do not bask in predecessor's glory and use it to social and political advantage.
24. জাতির মেরুদণ্ড ভেঙে যাচ্ছে দুর্বল নাচগানে লিপ্ত হয়ে |
25. আমাদের জাতিগতভাবে কিছু ন্যূনতম ভদ্রতা শেখা উচিত, যথা, প্রশ্নের উত্তর পেলে তা প্রাপ্তিস্বীকার করা ও অনুমোদন করা |
26. আজকের স্লোগান : 'বুদ্ধিকে বন্ধক রাখা চলবে না, চলবে না |'
27. ও যতই বল, মরে গেলে স্বর্গে যাব, পুনরায় প্রত্যাবর্তন মর্ত্যধামে | পুনর্জন্ম অবশ্যম্ভাবী, সে তুমি যত এলেমদারই হও |
28. স্বর্গ? সে তো মর্ত্যলোকেরই উৎকৃষ্টতর কল্পনালোক, ভোগের তীব্রতর লৌকিক আধার | এক মধ্যে আধ্যাত্মিকতা কোথায়?
29. The Theory of Karma will be the undoing of the Semitic religions.
30. ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীকে না পালন করার জন্য বাঙালীর আজ এই দশা | তুচ্ছ ভোগের পথে ভগ্নপ্রায় | এখনও সময় আছে | স্বদেশমন্ত্র পড়ুন, আদর্শে স্থিত হ'ন | জাতিগত উত্থান অবশ্যম্ভাবী | নইলে পতন অনিবার্য, ধ্বংস সুনিশ্চিত | বাঙালীর পূর্ব ইতিহাস স্বয়ং তার ভয়ানক সাক্ষ্য বহন করছে | বাকিটা বুঝে নিন |
31. Love ❤️ the one who is the source of all love. He is Sri Ramakrishna.
32. Love ❤️ of God dispels fear. Love ❤️ Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi to be fulfilled in life.
শৌর্যবীর্যপবিত্রতার প্রতিমূর্তি, বুদ্ধি ও প্রেমের যুগ্ম সমন্বয়, উদার বিশ্বহৃদয়, প্রাতঃস্মরণীয় পুরুষ |
মহাপুরুষ মাধবানন্দ | মায়ের ভাষায়, 'হাতির দাঁত সোনা দিয়ে বাঁধানো |'
দুই বসু | বৃটিশের ভিত কাঁপিয়ে দিয়েছিল |
The Bose-duo who shook the foundation of the British Empire.
36. Do not teach children hell and frighten them into premature submission to a supposed God holding the fiery rod of retribution. Let them blossom naturally into buoyant beings free of fear.
37. Does an extra-cosmic creator God exist or is such a God man's greatest invention?
38. What is your idea of God?
39. Has God created man or has man created God?
40. Should religion be scrutinised by reason or will that also be deemed blasphemous in a world that is increasingly becoming intolerant of free speech?
41. Instead of feeling offended unto engaging in violent action when one's religion is criticised, is it not time for people of faith to grow up into mature individuals who can enter into rational discussion over such?
42. Should fanaticism be fanned by curtailing free speech?
43. Do we propose to be a progressive nation by censoring free speech?
44. Why is culture plummeting in our country?
45. Must the intolerant be tolerated?
46. Will liberalism be defeated yet again by regressive religious force?
47. Can you please wake up and respond to my posts? I raise so many questions but the response is so poor.
48. Democracy does not mean mobocracy that will rule by roadside violence. Free speech must be safeguarded if democracy is to survive.
49. Raise your rational self. Else, regressive religion will rule. A country cannot progress if it will not allow free speech.
50. Swamiji has exhorted parents not to indoctrinate children with irrational religious principles. And, yet, hundreds of millions of children are daily brainwashed by such.
51. মগজধোলাই করে ধর্মের ধ্বজা আর কতদিন টিকিয়ে রাখা যাবে? এবার বিজ্ঞনমনস্ক হলে হয়না?
52. Who taught the Arabs 1,2,3,4,...? The ignorant Hindus who knew nothing of religion and had to be converted to be taught the right way to God?
53. Is it not stupidity to convert Hindus to Islam and Christianity? It is like asking a post-graduate to enrol in a Montessori.
54. We need fire extinguishers more than conversion to avoid hell-fire.
55. Heaven it is when hell is abolished. Hell it is when heaven lures. Rational is the man who has abolished both and makes earth a veritable heaven. Unto him belongs divine consciousness in activated form.
56. It is not Hindu-Arabic numeral. It is Hindu numeral.
57. Before you invite a Hindu to your fold, study Hinduism well and become a Hindu.
58. Spiritually ignorant people convert Hindus to their fold through fanatical conviction, trickery and deceit. As they evolve, they themselves will embrace Hinduism. Such is human destiny.
59. Every Hindu must make it a point to study Swami Vivekananda's 'Paper on Hinduism' that he read out on 19 September, 1893 at the Chicago Parliament of Religions.
60. If every Hindu reads Swami Vivekananda, Hinduism will become invincible. In his Complete Works are a mine of strength.
61. Be proud to be a Hindu and, being one, feel intense sympathy for every other Hindu wherever in the world he or she may be.
62. Mutual sympathy and love must be the basis of Hindu solidarity.
63. This is the colour of awakened spiritual consciousness, the rising sun of knowledge.
64. Hindus must shed cowardice and exhibit valour. Otherwise, they will be traitorous to their cause. Thought, word and deed must match for the resurrection of Hinduism. Mere verbal effusion such as 'Jai Swamiji' is lazy and useless in helping the Hindu cause. Exhibit the warrior instinct, kshatriyahood that alone can preserve the Hindus and their high spiritual culture. Remember Partition? We had so many political, intellectual and spiritual stalwarts then. Yet, a persistent and perverse Muhammad Ali Jinnah pursued Jihad to successfully mutilate our motherland. None could prevent it or the genocide of Hindus which initiated the murderous movement and sustained it to its seditious end. How oblivious we can be of history! This year is not the Amrit Mahotsav of Azaadi but the remembrance of the maliciious murder of the motherland.
65. Fearlessness is the first sign of valour.
66. The ability to defend oneself against the enemy's attack is the second sign of valour.
67. To know the enemy's intent, motive and motivation, political and theological thought-content is the third sign of valour.
68. To be physically and mentally prepared for conscription in times of military emergency is the fourth sign of valour.
69. To be armed in reason, knowledge and wit to ideologically defeat the enemy is the fifth sign of valour.
70. To 'face the brute' that is intent on destroying you is the sixth sign of valour.
71. To train oneself in intelligence so as to pulverise the enemy by sheer brain-power is the seventh sign of valour.
72. Developing strength of character that does not quake in the face of death is the eighth sign of valour.
73. Not being traitorous to one's own religion, culture and civilisation is the ninth sign of valour.
কল খুললে জল পড়ে,
কারণ জানো কি?
মাধ্যাকর্ষণ মান রেখেছে,
নামটি তাহার 'g' |
কল খুললে জল পড়ে,
কারণ জানো কি?
75. How easily 'righteous' Hindus criticise Hindu organisations, calling their followers bigoted fanatics etc.! But they dare not utter a word against those outside the pale of Hinduism who are hell-bent on destroying the Hindus and their religion wholesale.
76. Hindus who criticise the Hindus but dare not utter a word against their enemies are downright cowards and must be disregarded with disdain.
77. An extracosmic creator God is an impossibility because there is no way for Him to produce the material for the universe which is already not there in Him. Such a God then is an immanent being and cannot be called creator.
78. The universe stands on its own by its own cycling principle of subsistence and needs no God as an unnecessary hypothesis for its explanation? The universe is self-explanatory in so far as it can be explained.
79. Pious critics of Hindu organisations, just look out of your casement and see the enemy standing without, waiting to destroy us all. Hindus must unite. Upon Hindu solidarity depends Hindu survival against terrible civilisational odds.
80. Learn to think. Resist exploitation. This is the first step to spirituality.
81. The poor are exploited; the middle classes rationalise. The middle classes are exploited; the rich rationalise. But where is the rationalisation process that renders the system human? Tall talk of spirituality with no practical application. Must divinities suffer economic exploitation? Is there no shame in those that do it? It is a barbarous, brutal system that reduces gods to beasts with impunity.
82. জেগে উঠুন | আর কতকাল শুধু 'প্রণাম স্বামীজী' বলে তাঁর বাণী ভুলে থাকবেন? উত্তিষ্ঠত, জাগ্রত !
83. স্বামীজীকে শুধু অলস প্রণাম নয়, তাঁর জীবন ও বাণীর আলোচনা করুন |
84. মস্তিষ্ককে সচল, সক্রিয় করুন | সেটাই স্বামীজীর প্রতি শ্রেষ্ঠ প্রণাম | স্বামীজী বলেছিলেন, "Let men be thinkers." (মানুষ চিন্তাশীল হ'ন |)
85. The main problem of the average devotee is that he dares not 'face the brute' that openly threatens his existence. Courage is the key and that is sadly missing even when 'following' such a valorous one as Vivekananda.
86. ঘটকালী না ঘট খালি? একটু তো চিন্তা করতে শিখতে হবে | নইলে যে ঠাকুর-স্বামীজীর ঘোর অপমান | তাঁরা তো স্বকীয় চিন্তায় পারদর্শি ছিলেন | তাহলে তাঁদের অনুগামীরা কেন শুধু জয়ধ্বনি করে ক্ষান্ত?
87. To secure heaven postmortem, must you convert life on earth to hell? Does not earthly life deserve a better deal?
88. You cannot wish away a problem. You have to fight it.
89. We need real men who can stand up to invasive alien culture, now infiltrated deep in our system, so that India does not die a civilisational death in due course.
90. Love India? Then study Vivekananda. Do not idle away your time and energy in singing futile praises such as 'Jai Swamiji' but study him and be real men.
91. Ghettoise and create islands of peace within a warring world -- this is the long-term strategy of the peaceful ones till peace through perversion has been achieved worldwide.
92. We have a Buddhist king (Asoka the Great) and a Muslim king (Akbar the Great) but no Hindu king who has been named thus, although we have so many greats like Chandragupta Maurya, Samudragupta, Vikramaditya, Maharana Pratap, Chattrapati Shivaji, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Krishna Deva Raya, the Chola kings, the Ahom kings, Sasanka and a host of others. This is so because Hindus en masse have chosen to remain ignorant of their past despite a plethora of information that is so easily available in the form of books and online data that is easy of access.
93. ❤️❤️❤️ These are the Trinity in Unity that is the inscrutable essence of Truth. Perceiver, perceived, perception, or the Trinity, and the transcendental which is the Unity, all bound in the interface of the twain in distinguishable-indistinguishable love, Achintya Bhedaabhed, the master philosophy of Mahaprabhu.
94. Is he not the soul of India, Bharatatma Vivekananda?
95. Want to break India? Want to pervert India? Yours is an impossible hope. You have to destroy Vivekananda then. Try it and see if you succeed. Brother, come to your senses and give up vain desires. Shed alien association and become Indian in the Hindu sense of our ancient continuing Sanatan culture.
96. Man-made systems of social living are far better than 'God'-made ones.
97. The world is up against a civilisational war. The longer it takes to respond, the bloodier this war is likely to be.
98. Multiculturism is destroying Europe. Because of it Europe is losing its character and soon there will be only one culture left. The critical limit of liberalism having been exceeded, Europe is in the process of being overwhelmed by absolutist theocratic culture that will eventually destroy all else as mandated by extracosmic authority.
99. A world where free speech is being increasingly curtailed can scarcely be deemed democratic. It is an illiberal world we are being drawn into where every democratic mode is beng used to subvert democracy. We are going down as a civilisation and are being pushed back to medieval times when the sword of the One God ruled.
100. You may love the tiger and move to embracing it but surely the tiger will reciprocate your love by eating you up. So, reflect on your 'love options' and act wisely.
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