Thursday 5 August 2021



My life has literally gone in vain. I feel sorry that my country does not need my services. What a waste of human resource! Ours is a rotting polity. It will yet take a couple of generations to dispel the darkness that so envelopes us. Base imitation of the West, blind copying of its decadent and superficial culture while neglecting to absorb its higher elements in rational enlightenment so characterises us that it is depressing, to say the least. We are going down day by day as a nation while the privileged have their share of shallow sensory satisfaction and the impoverished dream of doing so one day should they be spared a moment from their arduous labour to reflect on their aspirations that lie unfulfilled. A people we are but hardly a nation. We are yet to learn combination that lends a country power. Jealously guarding self-interest instead of zealously striving for collective well-being, we are being drawn every moment into the quicksand of an infirm civilisation.

Written by Sugata Bose 

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