Tuesday 4 October 2016


In this life of ephemeral dreams He alone is true to us forever who resides in the midst of our being, He who is the Being and He who is the impelling power behind the evolution of the individual from unit consciousness to universal consciousness. To that primordial power that animates this world and all other worlds, He who manifests periodically as a rising current of love and light, He who prophesied in the Geeta His periodic descent on earth to save human civilisation from decay, He who came yet again in the guise of a poor Braahman priest even as a king goes about surveying the affairs of his kingdom incognito, to Him I bow down at the dawn of consciousness. May He lift me up into His supernal realm out of His unbounded mercy! For who can rise to His altitude that he may enter the Kingdom of Heaven on his own than the one on whom His mercy rains? May the God of the Geeta who spoke again on the bank of the Ganga at Dakshineshwar have mercy on this undeserving devotee of His and flood him with the light divine for he lives in utter dark!

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