Thursday, 20 October 2016


I hope not Arnab. For the Soviet Union is no more and adequate governmental pressure from India ought to uncover the relevant files regarding disappearance from the KGB archives and then the matter may be put to rest. Dr. Purabi Roy had set the ball rolling in the 1990 s and now it is for us to take it up from there. Read 'The Search for Netaji : New Findings' by Dr. Purabi Roy for startling leads into this enduring mystery which has befuddled the world for over seven decades now. The Justice Mukherjee Commission had failed to get Major General Alexander Kolesnikov to depose before it. He was mysteriously transferred to Ankara the day before the scheduled deposition in Moscow and this put paid to the investigation in Russia whereby the entire findings of the Commission were jeopardised. Dr. Roy asserts that significant leads from Russian files could have helped advance the investigation much but alas! collusion by the Congress Government kept the findings at bay and the entire issue remains foggy to this day. Earnest researchers like you with a command of the English language at your disposal may do yeoman's service to the cause of dispelling the dark enveloping the case by devoting your labour of love. It is a fervent hope that ardent ones like you will take up the challenge and gradually come to grips with the text of the terrain traversed by Netaji, his tumultuous circuiting of the globe during the cataclysmic years of the Second World War culminating in his sudden disappearance at its end, a veritable vanishing into thin air, so to say. How he may have thereafter fared, betrayed at home and bereft abroad, remains the subject-matter of our research and it will take more than a cursory view into things to arrive at a definitive answer. Till then, my friend, we may only read and learn more, but from authentic sources as Dr. Purabi Roy's well-researched book, for here is original research written in book form and not compilations from second-hand sources. Her findings had set readers on high-alert in the 1990 s and I guess will provide adequate advantages even today with brighter chances of resolving the case. As far as declassification of the relevant KGB files are concerned, the Narendra Modi Government ought to expedite the formalities with its Russian counterpart and the truth will be out. For our part, we may do detailed study of the case and build up pressure on the parties by systematic campaigning based on knowledge and not frothy emotion tantamount to nothing.

With all my best wishes to you and kindred souls who are intent on lighting the torch of knowledge,
I remain gratefully yours,
Sugata Bose.

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