Saturday 3 September 2016


There is a terrible erosion of ideals today all over the world. Materialism has reared its ugly head once more. It is time now to go back to Vivekananda and manifest character to save the world from impending disaster.
The sesquicentennial celebrations of Swamiji may be over but the work carries on. The Ramakrishna Mission is carrying on the welfare activities initiated by it then with the help of funds received from the Government of India on the occasion of the 150th year celebration. Massive projects have been undertaken for the uplift of the people of India in selected zones and need a perpetual inflow of funds for the maintenance of the projects. Devotees of the Mission, do come forward and help the cause along with liberal contributions from your side. It will conduce to the well-being of the nation. Jai Hind! Jai Ramakrishna!

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