As I gaze into the future of my people, I wonder how big a price Mother will extract before She delivers strength to Her children here in India when there shall be a semblance of equality not merely of opportunity but of actualised education in the secrets of the science of the Self so that all and sundry will have the spiritual wherewithal to stand up and proclaim with voice of truth that they are divinities here on earth with nothing to fear, that they are the custodians of the spiritual treasures of the Vedas which are their national inheritance, that, more so, they are the spiritual guardians of humanity with a destiny to fulfil and that they have a mission to awaken the dormant divinity in all the peoples of the world so that this earth is a play-field of the Divine and not a war zone spelling the doom of its inhabitants. Such a vision comes through the prism of my consciousness, vastly refracted and dispersed into divergent modes and methods, the elements incongruously combined and ever battling for settlement into order but never quite attaining the harmony they seek. Peace is, thus, a far cry as predator nations prey upon their targets to fulfil their terrestrial goals of consumption even though they entail such a heavy human price. I despair to see humans relate to their physical origins more than to their spiritual roots, feeding ego with the fuel of desire and denying the very basis of their selves, their very existence, in a massive bid towards self-annihilation, a 'harakiri' that knows no end in honour or virtue but that which is a self-denial tending to futility. Such a waste of human resource, such wanton killing of innocence in the bud, such hatred perpetrated by theory and theology, such abysmal abuse of perfidious power sounding the death-knell of humanity by the day, when all these are projected before the vision in an unceasing stream of infertile images, I wonder if humanity has lost its mind in a manner that marauding Maya is finding a reversal an absurd proposition.
Here on the banks of the Ganga with the autumn breeze ushering in cascading streams of the scented breath of God, I can scarce imagine that out there in the deep dark is being perpetrated the grossest violation of virtue and vice is reigning over tormented people with tentacles far outstretched into the nether world where all is dense and dark. My life seems inconsequential as I mutely witness the misery of the masses, the silent suffering of the soul, the pain inflicted on the dumb creatures of God who know not for what sin they suffer the horrors of life and death even as the devout relish the substance of their form in primitive piety. Passivity is the defence of the weak and passivity is perfidy. I find myself culpable of this enormous betrayal of the populace and of the wider blasphemy of being ineffective in preaching the gospel of the divinity of sentience across the wide world such that such stupendous ignorance abounds about the identity of man and his divine focus having been shrouded in the mist of materialism, he is gravitating to his impending doom.
Cross-currents of thoughts and hopes, aspirations and despairs, bliss and sorrow, flit across this frame of mine and beholding the scale of human tragedy being enacted across the globe, I feel responsible to carry forth the message of the Vedanta to as many as I possibly can and so trigger off a movement that will disseminate the seeds of wisdom across the hills and dales of the wide world. As of now, I ponder the possibilities, the potentialities of this lost human race and seek to discover a solution to bring it back on to the divine track whence it has been temporarily displaced by the workings of enigmatic Maya. May Thakur be my guide! May Mother illumine my path! May Swamiji energise my endeavour! Om!
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