Saturday, 30 April 2016


1. If leaders lack in literacy, how on earth do you expect followers not to follow suit?
2. In an age of general cultural decline one wonders how refined the fine arts will remain?
3. Divisiveness in the name of diversity is detrimental to the nation. What is needed is a robust philosophy of integration, enlightened and nationalistic.
4. Pseudo-intellectuality is ruining the nation. The need of the hour is a mind that clearly sees, a heart that truly feels and hands that willingly serve in a spirit of worship.
5. Who will lead when the leader is not fit enough to follow?
6. Today, the blind are leading the blind. How prophetic seems the Upanishad that first apprehended it?
7. So long as this sense of separateness of oneself from one's neighbour exists, so long as this urge to fulfil oneself to the exclusion of others remains, this steady decline into anarchy cannot be arrested despite protestations and pleas.
8. Do you wish to serve humanity? Then cultivate humanity within yourself first. Be pure and self-cultured before you venture forth.
9. Civility of speech and expression must replace the coarse culture of histrionics and theatricals before leadership may even be contemplated, much less provided.
10. Leaders have forgotten even that they will have to account for their karma in the High Court of Time. Beware!

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