Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Happy birthday dear Ankita! May you prosper in life and may the motherland prosper with you too! This birthday wish, albeit a trifle belated one, nonetheless, springs from the core of my heart unto someone who shall be the fulfilment of the highest aspirations that youth is heir to.

Time rolls on inexorably unto its final end which is the end-point of evolution too and life flows with it till sameness of sight is reached. En route one keeps collecting the laurels of life bestrewn as they are on either side of the royal avenue traversed. The celebration of life goes on along this grand pathway punctuated by stellar beams lighting up such beautiful moments as dawn every time the sun of one’s being circumambulates the sun in the heavens. Then Nature rejoices in her manifold dreams as the onrush of the awakening sun beckons one unto a higher orbit whence the years gone by seem a gorgeous farewell and the way ahead is festooned with welcoming signs from kindred souls awaiting the arrival of the freshly-bloomed daisy whose fragrance lends a magic chant to the unfolding moment.

Such is the celebration of life, dear Ankita, that is in the air this summer morn, that pervades the breadth of your sunlit being in all its fathomless beauty, that fills up the scented breeze lilting through this vesper hour, that shall be the beacon in your passage through the deep dark night of your advancing soul even unto perfection atop the summit of realizations. Happy birthday yet again for the words still resonate in us long-lost dreams of yesteryears and send our souls careering into the distant past when times were new and dreams were fresh and their fulfilment awaited with baited breath every time the sun did come along to the blessed moment of one’s first inspiration! May the sunshine of life attend you, now and ever on, is the prayer that rises in the soul of one whose every word, may it be a benediction unto you!     

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