Friday, 25 March 2016

When we suffer the rigours of life and almost lose hope that things will ever be better again, let us remember that all of phenomenon is but a dual dream of two days phased in time which will pass after its course is run. Pain will ease and so will pleasure cease as knowledge dawns in our awakened Self as to the transitory nature of things. This world is but a delusion of desire and can never be harmonized with the Truth within us. The tussle between the internal and the external world about us will necessarily create tension in our souls and will never leave us in the peace we aspire for. This world has to be transcended, this life sublimated, this form transfigured before we may reach the haven of peace that passeth understanding. It is a tall order no doubt but not beyond attainment for man in the past has achieved it and, since uniformity is the rigorous law of Nature, it stands to reason to say that all may with due preparation and in the fullness of time arrive at this Promised Land where discordant notes have been quelled into a grand harmony that is the secret sense in all but is the haunting melody that neither will give rest to the struggling soul of man nor will be stifled and silenced for good. This is the central truth of life that we are caught in a turbulent sea of delusive dreams and the reality lies beyond the waters of ignorance but well within the reach of our awakened Self. This core consciousness, this central theme, this existence within, this paradise perennial lies beyond the senses, beyond the interplay of the modes of Nature but is essential to our being and fundamental to us. It is subtle, nay, causal, the root of the cosmos, its shoot and branches, leaves and tendrils, its nourishment and growth, its vigour and life. From alpha to omega is its domain as it stretches from the vibrating string to the cosmos, from the      

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