Monday, 21 March 2016


Why does Pakistan not comprehend this simple truth that its programme of disruption of Indian life is counter-productive for itself?
Hatred heaped on Hindus by bigoted Muslims will no more serve to divide us as the youth of India know today the power of national solidarity.
When will man awake to a higher sense of humanity devoid of fanatical brother-baiting in the name of so-called fraternal religion? Love, love --- this is the way.
Too much authority is still concentrated in the individual under all systems of government for peace on earth to get a fair chance of subsistence.
Fanaticism has its source in the human heart for sure but it is fuelled and organized en masse by indoctrination of irrational cults.
What a pity that fanatics fail to appreciate and accept the universality of Hinduism which is the one system that can as yet save the world!
The propagation of Hinduism across the wide world by men of character is the one hope for the civilized world. Realization, not faith, is the key.

Open proselytization by fanatics who spew venom against Hinduism and beam it live on TV does in no way help the cause of India's solidarity.

They converted all the nations they ravaged with their sword but failed to do so to India. They despoiled us but could not defeat our resolve to hold on to our religion. Impregnable stood the Vedas.

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