Humanity stands today on the very edge of the shoreless sea of radiance, yet seeking self-annihilation through the terrible abuse of knowledge, a diabolic end to its term on earth either through a nuclear holocaust or an environmental doom. Such a thing may, hopefully, never come to pass though in the ultimate analysis, for it is in the very fabric of the evolutionary principle to set itself up in the reverse mode of conservation, preservation of all that is vital for the furtherance of evolution and the progressive manifestation of the divine consciousness through the animal body of man till it firmly establishes itself in his transformed being. Religions of the world, save the Vedanta, have all missed their mark in assigning to God the pre-eminent position in the cosmic order of things that legitimately and rightfully is man's. It is man who has created the concept of the objectified God outside of himself as the creator and arbiter of the universe, and it is he who has then gone on to refine the principles of theology to a degree that has reduced his own self to a debased slave of a despot who dispenses diabolical justice on his terrestrial bondmen by casting them into eternal hell-fire for the flimsiest of offences while rewarding his servile subjects with the bliss of perennial Paradise simply because they choose, not out of knowledge and light but out of ignorance and fear, convenience and comfort, to follow archaic superstitious articles of faith having no basis in reason or in inspiration of a higher order save what by force has been handed down to them by generations of impious impostors masquerading as messiahs of men. Humanity has for ages been held hostage to the diabolic designs of evil men mesmerizing the masses through bogus claims of personalized revelations, unique and unverifiable, holy and sacrosanct, beyond doubt or deliberation, scrutiny or test, such that billions are in the terrible grip of irrationality with its concomitant evils. The scientific revolution is on but is meeting with tremendous opposition as malicious counter-propaganda of religious cults across the globe seeks to nullify scientific progress and establish in the hearts of men the citadel of untruth based on so-called revelations of holy books and holy men whose character and career have, however, many an element that needs a fresh appraisal in the light of modern understanding, universal values and historical consequences that have been and that are being now experienced, sadly, to the despair of suffering humanity on whom, so-to-say, these divine dictators thrust the burden of their labour as diktats to be perennially followed without deliberation or demur. Such then is the state of the world, a battle-ground of terrible forces sustained by ancient animosity of the 'selfish gene' and vying for violent victory of one exclusively over all the others for that is the bane of the world even in the modern age that medieval murderous cults yet hold sway over vast masses of men and modern science merely cloaks ancient animality of the human species behind the technological sophistication of warfare but can scarce conceal the catastrophic consequences thereof.
As had been mentioned at the onset, humanity stands at the edge of the shoreless sea of radiance, the ocean of immortality, and humanity stands at the edge of an abyss too, a void of self-annihilation whence there is no return. Civilization is at its crossroads. A choice will have to be made now, a path adopted which will shape the future history of the world. Destiny hangs in the balance as mankind precipitously scales the slopes of this evolutionary range through the avalanches and the blizzards en route to the summit of realization of the oneness of sentience, the solidarity of the universe and the divinity of all that exists. May our election be enlightened by a brighter wisdom that is enshrined in our timeless scriptures, by the fullness of our illumined intellect and not by the fractured vision of our temporal gains, by the harmony that inwardly binds us all in a common human family!
Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!
(Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!)
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