Friday, 11 March 2016


Despite the victorious march of capitalism, Marxism is being vindicated in so far as the class divide predicted by it is concerned and the consequent class struggle to be to redress the balance. Nefarious capitalism in collusion with the State worldwide is reducing humanity to the despicable state of being a beast of burden whose earthly existence is dependent on servile subjugation to capital and rights reduced to eking out a living barely above savage level relative to the grandiose style of earthly habitation by the rich and the powerful. If the State does not look after the masses, who will? How long must the dispossessed look to the rich man's charity for that which is rightly his? How long must this pilferage, this pillaging persist before humanity awakes to its tall pronouncements on the rights of man? Every passing hour is deluged with blood spilled from the corporeal frame of the living God in gushes from the gashes rent deep by unholy offences against the dignity of man. Who cares for humanity when all we hear of is success bred in the wine of desire, desire distilled in the desecrated human spirit and the human spirit held hostage to the triumph of matter, the omnipotent dollar dishing out delicacies to the rich and delivering death-blows to the poor? The delight and the despair of these conflicting classes are a study in contrast, not the poet's fantasy nor the philosopher's speculation but the realist's nightmare, a veritable hell here on this terrestrial plane where to live is to speculate not on one's distant future but on one's very moment of existence defrauded of health and hope, denuded in spirit, a mass of meaningless motivations stifled at birth, yet, seeking regeneration, for such seems to be the sublimity of the human soul that it ever defies the destitution imposed on it by malicious matter. And herein lies the hope which phoenix-like rises from the ashes of its funeral, bearing to tormented hearts the glad tidings of an elusive dream of the kingdom of heaven, the utopian State, an imagined perfection of aggregate living where all will be finally well. And so, man carries on, trudging his way along the rough terrain of his master's pleasure, seeking the slices and the crumbs that befall his being as trickles of his lord's lavishness. And this we call civilization, life, et al. Glory unto humanity for being so inventive as to demolishing the one temple that ought to have truly mattered, the temple of humanity, the sanctum of the living God, the only God that exists! Hail Humanity, Mother of Man, ought you not to have done better?

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