Sunday, 3 January 2016


The attacks on the Pathankot Air Base and the Indian Consulate at Mazar-e-Sharif are a clear indication that Pakistan will not give up its policy of waging proxy war against India. The retaliation from India’s side should certainly not be a counter-proxy war for it would seriously tarnish India’s reputation as a civilized democracy as opposed to Pakistan’s being a failed theocracy. The object ought to be to strengthen Indian intelligence and the armed forces that our strategic interests may be protected. A strong India would send out a signal to Pakistan to refrain from such roguish activities as it would then fear a terrible reprisal from us. Does Pakistan have the cheek to attack China? Why not? Because it knows that such an act would result in the decimation of Pakistan. So also must Indian strength, military, diplomatic and economic act as a deterrent to Pakistan from indulging in such gross violation of our national interests. One more point is pertinent here. As our jawans and officers are being martyred at Pathankot, which of our ‘brave’ and ‘patriotic’ legislators who stalled Parliament consistently in the recently concluded session will be willing to make a like sacrifice to preserve our national interests? Will any volunteer to face the bullets out there at Pathankot and help preserve our nation’s sovereignty as these brave soldiers are doing? Which politician will step up and say, ‘’Yes, I will give up my life for the nation in order to safeguard its interests?”

When Pakistan raises the question of Kashmir and they call it India-occupied-Kashmir, why cannot we raise similar questions about Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir? Why at all do we give so much credence to Pakistan despite whatever mischief they may be up to? Our entire effort should be promote internal strength by providing quality education to each and every Indian, by preventing religious conversion from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity by legislation, by governing the country through Uniform Civil Code, by bringing back the black money stashed up in foreign banks to the tune of several lakh crore rupees, by weeding out corruption right from the top political echelon and by rewriting Indian history in the correct way highlighting her hoary culture and civilization so that our children grow up with a great sense of patriotism and purpose. Sanskrit must be declared the sacred language of the nation and its study must be made compulsory in all school curricula. Only when such measures are adopted will India be genuinely strong to defend her interests as also to show the wide world the path to peace and fulfilment.

Finally, a word for the capitalists whose only business has off late been to create billions for themselves at the cost of the billion ordinary citizens who thereby are being ground to dust under the crushing wheels of capitalistic tyranny. Businessmen, awake! Pay your taxes, do not violate the law of the land and commit a million offences against the people of India for retribution will come at the hands of history. Doctors, do not forget your medical oath and so serve the nation with all your might. Do not indulge in foul practices in connivance with private hospitals, nursing homes and diagnostic services and so drain the patients of their feeble economic resources. It is the gravest sin. Love the motherland and serve her children. Lawyers, be compassionate towards your clients and do not drain them of their resources by charging enormous legal fees. Policemen, you are the protector of the people and must never be their oppressors. You have to resist becoming a tool in the hands of your political masters even at the cost of losing your jobs. That will be the proof of your character-strength. Your job is to prevent corruption, not aid it. Teachers, re-dedicate yourselves to the mission of building the future of this great country. Children are the fairest flowers of humanity and may completely transform the world for the better if they are well-taught the different disciplines of knowledge and trained in the building up of their character with selflessness and service being the cornerstone of their academic grooming. Overall, if every Indian dedicates himself to the cause of the nation’s well-being, India will be so strong that no rogue neighbour will dare cast an evil eye on her. So, onward toward nation-building! We salute the martyrs of Pathankot and weep with their family members in this, the hour of their heart-rending distress. And we must pledge that we will not let the blood spilled from their bodies go in vain. We will build India. Jai Hind!             

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