Tuesday 19 January 2016


Akhanda Bharat, the grand ideal of India's cultural expanse, a single mass of peoples bound by the common culture of the Vedas, a civilization whose life no territorial partition may thwart nor barbaric invasion subvert. Here, from north to south, west to east, a single Vedic culture throbs even today, shrouded though it be at places by ephemeral earthly dreams whose substance is nought and sustenance but a brief flicker in the immensity of the nation's checkered history. This was the past of the great Aryavarta and this shall be its future when the diverse cultures now apparently separated will return to their roots and be one in the Motherland, Akhanda Bharat. No conquest save that of Dharma, no force save that of love, no conversion save that of the quickening of the ancient memory when we all were one in a common ancestry of the Sanatan Dharma.

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