Sunday, 17 January 2016


It is an imperative now that Hindus should learn about their religion and heritage if they are to survive as a civilization. Else, Western subversion of India's age-old culture will eventually bring about its ruin. Conversion of Hindus by Christian missionaries and by Muslim clerics is another major threat to Hinduism which must be resisted. The Hindus are going down in percentage terms of the national population as is evident from each successive census and this does not augur well in the long run for our nation. The demographic shift could spell India's doom in the foreseeable future as it could lead to the disintegration of India along religious lines once again. 350,000 Kashmiri Pandits who are Hindus, of course, have been driven away from their homeland and are living in refugee camps for over two decades now like aliens in their own country. Those who clamour over Hindu intolerance should take cognizance of this gruesome fact and clamour for justice here as well. These hapless Hindu Pandits have done no harm to any but have driven away from their homeland just because they do not belong to the religion of the majority population living in Kashmir. Is this not Islamic intolerance? Must it not be addressed by the Government of India and the resettlement of the displaced Pandits brought about forthwith in their homeland? But that is only possible if the majority Muslim population will allow them to resettle. It is more likely that they will again be brutally persecuted by them and evicted again. Similar persecution of Hindus is on in Malappuram in Kerela which has a majority Muslim population. What is the Government doing? How can the continuous destruction of Hindu temples be allowed in Kashmir and Malappuram? So, it is evident that the persecution of Hindus in Muslim-majority places in India is happening on account of Islamic intolerance and Hindu weakness in numbers and their further enfeeblement on account of disunity and the average Hindu's lack of substantive knowledge of his religion and heritage. The Hindus are weak because they are disunited and weaker because they are oblivious of their ancient roots, their Vedic culture. It is time that they take stock of the situation and educate themselves in Sanskrit and the Hindu scriptures. Only then may they be strong enough to resist all challenges to their religion and culture and only then may it spread throughout the world as the premier religion which is founded on scientific principles of observation, enquiry and discovery of the truths of nature internal and nature external. May all Hindus unite with me in this grand venture of the Spirit! Jai Shree Ram! Jai Shree Krishna! Jai Swami Vivekananda!

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