Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Hinduism, unlike the Semitic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam, affirms that every religion is a path to God. This universal acceptance of Hinduism is unique and is a great lesson for these exclusive religions which may profit from the Hindu experience. Religious bigotry stems from this exclusive faith in one's own belief system and is the seed of all intolerance whose foster-child is sectarian violence. Tall talk of religious harmony is mere sophistry so long as adherence to archaic arbitration on the reality of Nature and God by specially chosen prophets continues among the multitude of their followers. Scientific scrutiny is disallowed and enforcement of faith practised in these cults and religions which is dangerous for world peace. Conversion by inducement and force is at heart a violent practice and may under no pretext be termed spiritual in the brightest sense and yet we see that even in this highly modern 21st century Christianity and Islam vaunt their achievements on the basis of world-wide conversion of the so-called heathen. Masses of converts do not prove the validity of a religion. Rather, the very attempt to convert others by trickery, force or inducement proves the utter philosophical bankruptcy of the religion. Let these Semitic religions that are founded upon masses of irrational assertions stand the test of reason and scientific scrutiny and then alone let them contemplate of subverting the faith of scientific religious traditions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. They will fail to pass the test of reason and will clamour the age-old fallacious argument of the divinity of their faiths as being sacrosanct and beyond the domain of reasoned deliberation. In such an eventuality the world will continue to be plagued by intolerance deriving from so-called sacred texts harbouring hatred and violence on whatever pretext and to seek religious harmony will remain seeking for daylight in the dark. Thus had I said that Hinduism must assume the leading role as the religion that will teach the world not only universal toleration but universal acceptance on the basis of its vast philosophy of the essential divinity of all of phenomena and the possibility of each soul being its own final arbiter in the choice of and the pursuit thereof of its own individual faith to be self-practised and never imposed on another. Each soul is then a radial line of a circle emanating from the circumference of its present phenomenal predicament and proceeding unto the centre where all radii meet in universal consciousness, existence and bliss. Om!

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