Thursday, 28 January 2016


Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers of the Ramakrishna Mission,
I appeal fervently to each one of you to come forward at this hour of financial crisis of the Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Muzaffarpur (a branch centre of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math) and contribute your mite to help the Ashrama overcome its financial difficulties. There is an acute shortage of funds required for the general maintenance of the Ashrama which is conducting spiritual and welfare activities benefiting the people of the surrounding region. We as responsible citizens ought to do something to help the Sevashrama which is doing yeoman's service for the nation in this very poor district of up-country Bihar. Any contribution, small or big, will go a long way to inspire the monks serving here to battle along and bring about the well-being of the Ashrama which is so vital for the overall welfare of the nation. Patriotic Indians, I exhort you to advance now in a spirit of charity, service and love for your nation, and so feeling inspired by the great Swami Vivekananda at whose commandment these selfless monks have dedicated their lives to the cause of the spiritual and material welfare of the nation, contribute liberally to the cause aforesaid. I look forward to your help and know for certain that you shall come forward with whatever you can to help assuage the crisis that is tormenting the Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Muzaffarpur.
Thanking you sisters and brothers and all my friends and associates,
I remain forever in your debt,
And in Ramakrishna-Vivekananda,
Sugata Bose
P.S.: Attached below for your perusal are the details of the procedure of donation.
Indian National Rupee -Draw a demand draft or cheque/check in favor of
'Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Muzaffarpur", savings account #
10877071752 , payable at Muzaffarpur, Bihar, INDIA, 843116; and send
the same to below address.
Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Bela, Muzaffarpur, 843116, Bihar, INDIA.
Phone# +91-621-2272127.
Foreign Currency -Draw a demand draft or cheque/check in favor of
'Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Muzaffarpur", savings account #
10877055141 , payable at Muzaffarpur, Bihar, INDIA, 843116; and send
the same to below address.
Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Bela, Muzaffarpur, 843116, Bihar, INDIA.
Phone# +91-621-2272127.
Swami Bhavatmananda (Secretary) mobile no.: 09431813002
You can use the below details to transfer the donation funds via your
Beneficiary Name - "Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Muzaffarpur."
Beneficiary Account # - 10877071752
Beneficiary Bank Name - S.B.I.
Type of Account - Savings
IFSC Code - SBIN0006016
Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Bela, Muzaffarpur, 843116, Bihar, INDIA.
Phone# +91-621-2272127 (land line)
Swami Bhavatmananda (Secretary) mobile no.: 09431813002

N.B. Please attach the following details in BLOCK LETTERS in an EMAIL or a LETTER along with your donation amount for ease of communication and to facilitate the sending of the money receipt and the thanksgiving letter to you. The details are as follows:

Monday, 25 January 2016


The plight of the Pakistani Hindus is unbearable. The Hindus have since the formation of the State of Pakistan been undergoing systematic discrimination and the situation has gone from bad to worse over the years. Adolescent Hindu girls are randomly abducted and molested, force-converted and infrequently released only on realizing from their guardians a heavy ransom. More often than not, these girls are forever lost to their families, remaining untraced for life. Hindu property is looted by goons and hardly any legal action is taken against such heinous acts. Indian sacred texts such as the Bhagavad Geeta and the Guru Granth Sahib have been on many occasions been set on fire. Hanumanji's idol inside the temple has been set on fire. The population of the Hindus in Pakistan is dwindling and every year thousands leave Pakistan for India. The Hindus are ridiculed as being cow-worshippers and otherwise also treated as second-class citizens. The sheer arrogance of the Islamic clerics is intolerable and yet these hapless Hindus have to put up with all the insults heaped upon them, their so-to-say inferior Hindu culture and idolatrous inferior religion. There is no escape for them from this terrible torment as they have no recourse in terms of effective law protecting them or social activism guarding their rights. Pakistan is out and out an intolerant Islamic State that considers the kaffir (unbeliever in Islam) Hindu its worst enemy. Ghazwa-e-Hind or the final war against the infidel Hindu is being fought by Pakistan at every level, be it domestic persecution of the Hindus or terrorism across the border. The final agenda seems to be very clear---the mass extermination of the kaffir Hindu race barring those alone who will embrace Islam. Fearing forced conversion which is the order of the day in Pakistan, many Hindu families have fled their homes and sought refuge in India. And consider this my countrymen. They have left home and hearth for the sake of their religion, the honour of their age-old Vedic culture. Ought we not to support them in their plight? We must raise a voice so loud that our hapless sisters and brothers will get to know that they are not alone in this struggle for survival, that we are with them, always and forever. Jai Hind!

Saturday, 23 January 2016


When a perverse politician like Asaduddin Owaisi in a public lecture has the temerity to aver that whosoever is born on earth is born a Muslim, it seems to be the height of our weakness as a self-respecting nation that no action is taken against the deliverer of such an inflammatory speech. He further exhorts all, almost deprecatingly, nay, a trifle comically to the delight of the rabblement, that they should now return to Islam for, after all, they were born into it by divine decree. However, in his comic fashion he cautioned us that as a poor Muslim he could not offer any monetary benefit to us for our conversion to Islam. Here, he obviously made a jibe at Christian missionaries who use economic inducements to make mass conversions in India and elsewhere. He also, thereby, inadvertently revealed one of the methods of Islamic proselytization and we commend him for his unconscious honesty. As he spoke, the rabblement cheered, proof of Mr. Owaisi's camaraderie with his audience.
Asaduddin Owaisi has a younger brother, Akbaruddin by name. This Hyderabadi Mian is an edition updated on Asaduddin Sahib. In a public speech he openly challenged the police of the State to shut down work for but 15 minutes to see the power of the Muslims in the land and promised a wipe-out of all others within that time-frame. Fools abound in our land these days and, fortunately for all, the police did not heed his advice but promptly a case was lodged against him in the court and poor Brother Junior must pay for his terrible indiscretion. Brother Senior is embarrassed as well but you may never trust these politicians who merely whip up communal passions to divide society and so consolidate their vote bank. So far so good. But the moot question arises as to why Muslims and Christians have this penchant for conversion of unbelievers to their faiths.
It is a systemic defect it seems in the Semitic religions Christianity and Islam that compels them to proselytize for sheer survival. The philosophical basis of these two religions is so flimsy, in fact, one may say that they have no sound philosophical basis at all, that they need to bring more and more converts into their fold to be able themselves to repose faith in what they profess. It is fundamental to these faiths that they are the exclusive paths towards godhead, that they solely possess the saving grace whereby man may be redeemed from sin and careered to heaven which is his ultimate abode after his solitary sojourn on earth if he has been duly converted to these religions and has rendered his account well in keeping with the scriptures or else he will burn in eternal hell-fire should he not accept the Saviour Christ as in Catholicism or the words of the Prophet Muhammad who, incidentally, by divine decree, is the last and the final prophet of God and his message the very words of God, inviolable, unalterable and sacrosanct, unbeatable in quality or essence by any other seer or sage before or after. So, our Hindu sages and seers seem to be all doomed to second-class status in the pantheon of sages and we who are infidels are all doomed to servitude on earth here and to roast-status in hell hereafter. Imagine, we, the mildest of races, who have never been, as such, a conquering race or our religion been a proselytizing one, for us to be roasted in hell to serve delicacies for the devils that be! Hilarious! So much for these faiths that attempt to seduce us into submission or else use force to bring about such a malefic effect. We laugh at their childish pranks, knowing full well that like bubbles they are born on the surface of the sea of human consciousness and like bubbles burst on it to be absorbed in the mother-faith of the Sanatan Dharma whence they had sprung like so many delicate dreams that break at the touch of reality. The Hindu is thus patient and keeps pocketing insults by the million knowing that victory is ever for the forbearing and the forgiving, never for the fanatical and the frenetic. The Hindu is calm for he has the experience of ages to go by in the realm of human behaviour while these, his adolescent children, are apt to be up to all sorts of truant behaviour, often painfully mischievous though. But the unshakable stability of the Hindu no provocation may overcome as he ruminates on the futility of phenomenal dreams which are the impelling force of these Semitic faiths. Their earth, heaven and hell are all variants of a single dream, the dream of the senses and, as such, cannot lead to illumination or freedom. Slaves they are of the senses and wish to drag others into the mire, such is their predicament and the plight of billions of hapless people who are in their cultural warp. Far better is a reasoned atheism and evidence-based acceptance of facts as is the scientific mode and the cultivation of the faculties to their optimal scepticism before deeper reflections send the soul careering into meditative introspection into the nature of things whence comes enlightenment from the super-conscious realization of Reality. And this, incidentally, is very much the Hindu method where reason replaces faith and realization finally supplants fragmented reason.
Thus, the Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) has no problems with the discoveries of modern science and neither battles against them nor appropriates them for the perverse purpose of validating archaic irrational texts which forsooth have no basis in science. But Christianity has historically struggled against the findings of science and has often settled the score through the persecution of scientists which the Hindus have never done. Rather, many a path-breaking discovery of science seem to be the echo of Vedic principles discovered by our introspective rishis ages ago and the latest discoveries of science seem to describe uncannily accurately and 'in more forceful language', to quote Vivekananda, the very picture of phenomena in its progressively subtler contours as the rishis had envisaged. Thus, there is no conflict between the Sanatan Dharma and science and this is its great validation. The Bible is a revealed text and so is the Quran but they both have issues with science. The Vedas also are revelations of the divine but are in fulfilment of scientific reason more often than not and where they are not in agreement with science or rational philosophy, they are not to be considered sacrosanct, so said Vivekananda. He held that reason must fulfil instinct and inspiration must be in fulfilment of reason. Instinct, reason, inspiration---these form the three steps in the evolutionary ladder. Now, my readers, I leave it to you to ponder the relative virtues of different religions and the hilarity of the Owaisi brothers in their speeches. After all, true to tradition, they are Hyderabadi Mians differing in age and maturity and cerebral content---Bade Mian Asaduddin Oawaisi Sahib with his facile nonsense and Chhote Mian Akbaruddin Owaisi with his verbal vitriol. God bless both for they are, after all, Hindustani entertainers!


Stop subscribing to the belief that some extra-terrestrial being will come and save you for none will, none ever has. It has been man alone that has saved man from his terrestrial predicament. If it is Islamic terrorism that threatens you, then practise fearlessness knowing that this life at any rate is an ephemeral dream, a bubble that may burst any moment. So, why fear? It is strength that you must cultivate through the practice of purity and concentration rather than succumbing to inactive invocation of some divine dispensation which will never answer your pious pleas. Your strength will in turn strengthen the nation to combat this evil menace. If it is conversion to Islam or Christianity that disturbs you, then, as Hindus, you will be well advised to study well your religion and stop going into the fold of these proselytising faiths who, for all their tall talk, have only one agenda---global domination through mass conversion, the creation of a monolithic so-called spiritual culture. If it is drainage of wealth from the pockets of the poor to the coffers of the rich creating an unholy class divide that disturbs you, then begin to act on behalf of the dispossessed and the under-privileged by studying the problem, finding its solution and applying such to bring about a transformation where everyone will have a fair share of the earth's resources to be able to live a life of dignity and meaningfulness. Feel, think, act---this is the three-fold path to overcome the problems of the day. Feel the misery of the masses daily sinking into the mire of material existence with seemingly no hope of redemption for such is the stranglehold of crony capitalism. Then meditate deeply on the problem of poverty and economic exploitation that has reduced the images of gods and goddesses to veritable beasts of burden. And when you have found the solution to the problem, apply heart and soul to redress the situation. Then I will call you patriots, humanists, real men, not until then.
Now, in all this you will not get any divine help from outside of human society and all its tangible heritage and history, remember. For all help will come from within you which is a mine of infinite strength, a repository of infinite power, the real seat of divinity. When the Nazis were eliminating the Jews en masse, how many prayers and supplications to the Divine must have gone out from their hearts but to no avail! It was left to the Allies to rescue them eventually after they had suffered the holocaust. When marauding Muslim invaders plundered and pillaged the Hindus and later stayed on to subvert our religion, kill us by the millions, destroy our temples by the thousands and force-convert us to their Islamic faith, how many tears of the tormented mothers and daughters of the Hindus, whose physical form had been outraged by the barbarous beings, must have gone up to the highest heavens only to rebound ruthlessly without a response! It was the mighty Maharana Pratap Singh, the valorous Chhatrapati Shivaji, the lion-hearted Guru Gobind Singh who came to our rescue and all these were men of flesh and blood, not gods. So also must you arise and take charge of your destiny by the study of your glorious Hindu religion, the Sanatan Dharma, to phrase it correctly, and by the practice of the golden principles enshrined in your sacred books that speak of the glory of the human soul, the essential oneness of all sentience, nay, of all of phenomena. It is time to stand up to the challenges of the times, the threats to our Motherland and to our Hindu heritage and culture, and to spread our benign influence across the wide world that is thirsting for the spirituality of India that may yet save the world from a catastrophic annihilation arising out of a conflict of culture that threatens it, Western liberal democracy pitted against Islamic totalitarian theocracy.
Let us once and for all understand that so long we are dependent on help from imaginary beings residing outside of our beings, call we them gods or goddesses or whatever, we will remain terribly ineffective in transforming our human condition. This is no preaching of atheism but is the right attitude to adopt if truly we are theists in line with traditional Hindu wisdom. We are divine in origin, not sinners as the Semitic religions ingloriously denounce man, and we are divine even now and so shall remain through eternity for space and time float within us and not we within them. Religion, God and the whole of this universe and countless others flow from our divine Self, the Atman, the Brahman which is infinitude itself. This glorious truth we have forgotten as Hindus and we must remember it from now. If we do so, then no harm will ever befall us. And when we do pray to God, let us do so out of a feeling of strength and love for the divine within us and never from a sense of hopeless alienation from some cosmic autocrat whose business is to send curses on the blasphemous and the infidel and to exhort His unholy followers to kill the same. What a preposterous proposition in the name of the Divine whose nature ought to be of the essence of love and not such malevolent hate as induces His adherents to millenia-old persecution of His other children who for superior wisdom or otherwise choose to reject Him or worship Him in another form! Can God be so gullible as to behave worse than enlightened humans? Therefore, my friends, do not be pessimistic about your fate or present state and do not let yourselves be preyed upon by preachers who try to subvert your glorious Hindu religion and, for heaven's sake, do not convert to Islam or Christianity from Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism and the like, that is, from religions that have sprung from the sacred soil of our Motherland Bharatvarsha. The religions that have originated in India are infinitely superior in philosophical strength and wisdom to the Semitic religions and require their adherents to be true to them and steadfast in their study and devoted practice. On no account must you be induced to an act of disloyalty to your nation by succumbing to unscrupulous inducement of missionaries or half-baked preachers of the Semitic faiths and change your religion. We need to build a strong Hindu community who owe allegiance to the Motherland and her ancient culture. Only then may we build a strong and vibrant India that will show the path to the rest of the world how all races and nations, all faiths and philosophies, all cultures and communities may co-exist harmoniously by affirming what is good in each one and discarding what is baneful for humanity. It is this role of the spiritual conductor that is the lot of India to play in this symphony of nations where each nation is the score-keeper of a particular phrase of the divine melody and each people the player of the music thereof.
So far as the widening rift between the rich and the poor that is increasingly developing in a fast industrialising world where economic drainage is making the lower half of the vast human form progressively bloodless while a surfeit of blood in the upper half is tending to cause a cerebral thrombosis, the situation is indeed grim and demands immediate attention. Else, violent revolutions across the world will soon shake up humanity to bring about rough adjustments which will not be wholesome for the overall betterment of human civilisation. We must frame laws and formulate policies whose immediate application must improve the human condition of the poor. There is no time to waste. Human life is too precious to dilly-dally over decisions and our historical experience with communism, fascism and the like have taught us lessons enough not to repeat the mistakes of the past for the price of it is too high to pay. Better by far will be for all to cultivate character so that this economic barbarism be banished from human society for good. And with the abolition of celebrated greed, as is the wont of elitist social culture today which hides its fangs behind a facade of wealth-welfare for all, will ensue a golden age of human progress where man will be the focus of this terrestrial drama and not some medieval God whose business is to barge into human affairs to which He has no clue whatsoever and yet has the temerity to pronounce judgement on us who have so far been fooled by our own delusive selves but have now comprehended the message of the Hindu Rishis and have rightfully become the arbiters of our own fate which no divine dispensation may influence or alter. May we be inspired by this message of the Upanishads that we are, after all, God, each one of us, and that beyond us there is neither heaven nor hell nor any god who can dictate terms to us! Jai Hind!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Aurangzeb imposed the jizyah on the Hindus on 2 April, 1679. This meant that Hindus would have to pay an additional tax because they were kaffirs (infidels) in the eyes of Islam. This imposition was in line with the Quran and reduced Hindus in their homeland to the status of second-class citizens. The Mughal Badshah (emperor) did not spare the Hindu temples as well. He ordered the destruction of hundreds of temples all over India and spared no means to desecrate the idols of the Hindu gods and goddesses. He, who had earlier beheaded his elder brother, the enlightened Darah Shukoh, who had been the first to get the Upanishads translated into Persian which later facilitated translations into the European languages for the wide diffusion of their message, imprisoned his own father Shah Jahan and usurped his throne, now went into a frenetic zeal to destroy Hinduism. Persecution of the Hindus rang the death-knell for the Mughal empire as the Marathas under Chhatrapati Shivaji rose in the Deccan (Dakshinatya) in defence of the Motherland and her ancient civilization centred in Hinduism.


Akhanda Bharat, the grand ideal of India's cultural expanse, a single mass of peoples bound by the common culture of the Vedas, a civilization whose life no territorial partition may thwart nor barbaric invasion subvert. Here, from north to south, west to east, a single Vedic culture throbs even today, shrouded though it be at places by ephemeral earthly dreams whose substance is nought and sustenance but a brief flicker in the immensity of the nation's checkered history. This was the past of the great Aryavarta and this shall be its future when the diverse cultures now apparently separated will return to their roots and be one in the Motherland, Akhanda Bharat. No conquest save that of Dharma, no force save that of love, no conversion save that of the quickening of the ancient memory when we all were one in a common ancestry of the Sanatan Dharma.

Sunday, 17 January 2016


It is an imperative now that Hindus should learn about their religion and heritage if they are to survive as a civilization. Else, Western subversion of India's age-old culture will eventually bring about its ruin. Conversion of Hindus by Christian missionaries and by Muslim clerics is another major threat to Hinduism which must be resisted. The Hindus are going down in percentage terms of the national population as is evident from each successive census and this does not augur well in the long run for our nation. The demographic shift could spell India's doom in the foreseeable future as it could lead to the disintegration of India along religious lines once again. 350,000 Kashmiri Pandits who are Hindus, of course, have been driven away from their homeland and are living in refugee camps for over two decades now like aliens in their own country. Those who clamour over Hindu intolerance should take cognizance of this gruesome fact and clamour for justice here as well. These hapless Hindu Pandits have done no harm to any but have driven away from their homeland just because they do not belong to the religion of the majority population living in Kashmir. Is this not Islamic intolerance? Must it not be addressed by the Government of India and the resettlement of the displaced Pandits brought about forthwith in their homeland? But that is only possible if the majority Muslim population will allow them to resettle. It is more likely that they will again be brutally persecuted by them and evicted again. Similar persecution of Hindus is on in Malappuram in Kerela which has a majority Muslim population. What is the Government doing? How can the continuous destruction of Hindu temples be allowed in Kashmir and Malappuram? So, it is evident that the persecution of Hindus in Muslim-majority places in India is happening on account of Islamic intolerance and Hindu weakness in numbers and their further enfeeblement on account of disunity and the average Hindu's lack of substantive knowledge of his religion and heritage. The Hindus are weak because they are disunited and weaker because they are oblivious of their ancient roots, their Vedic culture. It is time that they take stock of the situation and educate themselves in Sanskrit and the Hindu scriptures. Only then may they be strong enough to resist all challenges to their religion and culture and only then may it spread throughout the world as the premier religion which is founded on scientific principles of observation, enquiry and discovery of the truths of nature internal and nature external. May all Hindus unite with me in this grand venture of the Spirit! Jai Shree Ram! Jai Shree Krishna! Jai Swami Vivekananda!

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Hinduism, unlike the Semitic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam, affirms that every religion is a path to God. This universal acceptance of Hinduism is unique and is a great lesson for these exclusive religions which may profit from the Hindu experience. Religious bigotry stems from this exclusive faith in one's own belief system and is the seed of all intolerance whose foster-child is sectarian violence. Tall talk of religious harmony is mere sophistry so long as adherence to archaic arbitration on the reality of Nature and God by specially chosen prophets continues among the multitude of their followers. Scientific scrutiny is disallowed and enforcement of faith practised in these cults and religions which is dangerous for world peace. Conversion by inducement and force is at heart a violent practice and may under no pretext be termed spiritual in the brightest sense and yet we see that even in this highly modern 21st century Christianity and Islam vaunt their achievements on the basis of world-wide conversion of the so-called heathen. Masses of converts do not prove the validity of a religion. Rather, the very attempt to convert others by trickery, force or inducement proves the utter philosophical bankruptcy of the religion. Let these Semitic religions that are founded upon masses of irrational assertions stand the test of reason and scientific scrutiny and then alone let them contemplate of subverting the faith of scientific religious traditions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. They will fail to pass the test of reason and will clamour the age-old fallacious argument of the divinity of their faiths as being sacrosanct and beyond the domain of reasoned deliberation. In such an eventuality the world will continue to be plagued by intolerance deriving from so-called sacred texts harbouring hatred and violence on whatever pretext and to seek religious harmony will remain seeking for daylight in the dark. Thus had I said that Hinduism must assume the leading role as the religion that will teach the world not only universal toleration but universal acceptance on the basis of its vast philosophy of the essential divinity of all of phenomena and the possibility of each soul being its own final arbiter in the choice of and the pursuit thereof of its own individual faith to be self-practised and never imposed on another. Each soul is then a radial line of a circle emanating from the circumference of its present phenomenal predicament and proceeding unto the centre where all radii meet in universal consciousness, existence and bliss. Om!

Sunday, 10 January 2016


Each and every Hindu should know the essential principles of his religion and a vast number must make a deep study of it. Only then will a general revival of Hinduism be possible. Sanskrit must be declared the heritage national language and its study must be made mandatory up to the school higher secondary level. The knowledge of Sanskrit will inspire patriotism and instil the age-old values of our Hindu culture in students, that is, the up-coming generation. The study of the Vedas and the Upanishads in a simplified form will set up the youth in the right direction to take the country ahead and they will be rooted to the soil. The orientation of the youth towards surface Western culture which is making them a mass of nothingness with almost zero national identity will thus be countered successfully and the strength of the nation considerably increased. Cultural erosion will be checked and once more India will raise her head erect in the comity of nations as a people with the finest spiritual culture which shall be the saviour in a troubled world seeking salvation from gross materialism and from the stranglehold of political movements and impious religious movements too. Thus, we Hindus owe it to the world to present it our precious spiritual gems and, so, usher peace and prosperity in the world. Else, the world will be blown to pieces soon. And this we shall achieve only if we Hindus study and realize the principles of our universal Vedic philosophy and propagate them throughout the wide world which is thirsting for such knowledge. In so doing we will also for sure avert the threat of annihilation by proselytizing faiths whose sole agenda is world-domination through conversion. Hindus must guard their religion and prevent their numbers from going down through conversion. The Sanatan Dharma is our most precious possession and we will allow none to subvert it. Jai Shree Ram! Jai Shree Krishna! Jai Sri Ramakrishna!

Saturday, 9 January 2016


The vandalism at Malda the other day followed by the seditious threats to Hindus and the integrity of India is one in a long line of Islamic terrorist activity that is gaining ground in our beloved motherland by the day. This threat is aimed at Hinduism and the Hindus and will only increase if Hindus as a community do not unite above all divisions of caste and sect to defend the motherland and the grand heritage of her ancient culture which like the waters of the Ganga and the Sindhu (Indus) is rolling down from its source to the vast sea of humanity and God. Awake my friends, awake! Now no hour of rest. Study your scriptures, the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Puranas to understand your ancient spiritual culture which is unique in the world and which will yet water world civilization to bring about peace, prosperity and harmony of the disparate forces at work enroute to bringing about humankind's final fruition, that of absorption in its essential divinity which though covered up has never been lost to man. Arise my fellow countrymen and glorify your lives by dedicating yourselves to the cause of the resurrection of the Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) and, in so doing, defeat the demonic forces that threaten to fragment us as a nation,as a people, the children of the Rishis of Bharatvarsha. Jai Hind!

Sunday, 3 January 2016


The attacks on the Pathankot Air Base and the Indian Consulate at Mazar-e-Sharif are a clear indication that Pakistan will not give up its policy of waging proxy war against India. The retaliation from India’s side should certainly not be a counter-proxy war for it would seriously tarnish India’s reputation as a civilized democracy as opposed to Pakistan’s being a failed theocracy. The object ought to be to strengthen Indian intelligence and the armed forces that our strategic interests may be protected. A strong India would send out a signal to Pakistan to refrain from such roguish activities as it would then fear a terrible reprisal from us. Does Pakistan have the cheek to attack China? Why not? Because it knows that such an act would result in the decimation of Pakistan. So also must Indian strength, military, diplomatic and economic act as a deterrent to Pakistan from indulging in such gross violation of our national interests. One more point is pertinent here. As our jawans and officers are being martyred at Pathankot, which of our ‘brave’ and ‘patriotic’ legislators who stalled Parliament consistently in the recently concluded session will be willing to make a like sacrifice to preserve our national interests? Will any volunteer to face the bullets out there at Pathankot and help preserve our nation’s sovereignty as these brave soldiers are doing? Which politician will step up and say, ‘’Yes, I will give up my life for the nation in order to safeguard its interests?”

When Pakistan raises the question of Kashmir and they call it India-occupied-Kashmir, why cannot we raise similar questions about Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir? Why at all do we give so much credence to Pakistan despite whatever mischief they may be up to? Our entire effort should be promote internal strength by providing quality education to each and every Indian, by preventing religious conversion from Hinduism to Islam and Christianity by legislation, by governing the country through Uniform Civil Code, by bringing back the black money stashed up in foreign banks to the tune of several lakh crore rupees, by weeding out corruption right from the top political echelon and by rewriting Indian history in the correct way highlighting her hoary culture and civilization so that our children grow up with a great sense of patriotism and purpose. Sanskrit must be declared the sacred language of the nation and its study must be made compulsory in all school curricula. Only when such measures are adopted will India be genuinely strong to defend her interests as also to show the wide world the path to peace and fulfilment.

Finally, a word for the capitalists whose only business has off late been to create billions for themselves at the cost of the billion ordinary citizens who thereby are being ground to dust under the crushing wheels of capitalistic tyranny. Businessmen, awake! Pay your taxes, do not violate the law of the land and commit a million offences against the people of India for retribution will come at the hands of history. Doctors, do not forget your medical oath and so serve the nation with all your might. Do not indulge in foul practices in connivance with private hospitals, nursing homes and diagnostic services and so drain the patients of their feeble economic resources. It is the gravest sin. Love the motherland and serve her children. Lawyers, be compassionate towards your clients and do not drain them of their resources by charging enormous legal fees. Policemen, you are the protector of the people and must never be their oppressors. You have to resist becoming a tool in the hands of your political masters even at the cost of losing your jobs. That will be the proof of your character-strength. Your job is to prevent corruption, not aid it. Teachers, re-dedicate yourselves to the mission of building the future of this great country. Children are the fairest flowers of humanity and may completely transform the world for the better if they are well-taught the different disciplines of knowledge and trained in the building up of their character with selflessness and service being the cornerstone of their academic grooming. Overall, if every Indian dedicates himself to the cause of the nation’s well-being, India will be so strong that no rogue neighbour will dare cast an evil eye on her. So, onward toward nation-building! We salute the martyrs of Pathankot and weep with their family members in this, the hour of their heart-rending distress. And we must pledge that we will not let the blood spilled from their bodies go in vain. We will build India. Jai Hind!             

Saturday, 2 January 2016


How do terror-attacks on India serve Pakistan? After all, Pakistan was only the other day an integral part of undivided India. It was Islamic fundamentalism on the part of Jinnah and his ilk that with British connivance brought about the dismemberment of India and the consequence is for all to see. Pakistan has not at all benefited from the Partition of India although it was born out of it. But it is a failed State and its birth has therefore been in vain. All that it stands to do today is disruption of peaceful progress in the subcontinent, rogue State that it is with its roguish agenda of fostering terrorism the world over for who can deny that it is the hub of world terror? The United States of America is paying a dear price for having fostered it all these decades since the Partition of India in its bid to maintain balance of power in the sub-continent and China is yet to learn its lessons the bitter way in the not-too-distant future for having helped Pakistan become a rogue nuclear power prior to its having become a stable State. Now that the Cold War is over and the erstwhile political equations are a lot altered, the Unites States need no more fear India’s rise as an ally of the now non-existent Soviet Union or its largest existent State derivative, Russia, but ought to welcome India’s rise to global prominence as a container of China’s hegemony in the region. It thus stands to the advantage of USA to be India’s major ally and help her acquire regional peace and stability by containing Pakistan form being the permanent nuisance in the sub-continent. Arming Pakistan with nuclear weapons may in the future prove to have been a political blunder of an incalculable magnitude. Should the State of Pakistan collapse into the hands of Islamic fundamentalists as it may well be one day, the nuclear arsenal at their disposal then will have proved to have been catastrophic. A strong India is thus a greater necessity for world peace than a roguish State in the form of Pakistan which is essentially a part carved out of the mother-body of India to suit the exigencies of the times but which surely will by the laws of reunification merge again in the mother-body and attain to permanent peace. Let the world note that India is the next super-power in the making and let the nations of the world work towards welcoming such a grand day in the future history of the world for India’s rise to power will be based on Dharma (virtue) and not the vice of earthly ambitions of global domination. India is on the rise and Pakistan’s terror-tactics cannot thwart this grand mission of the Hindu race which like the rolling Ganga from the high Himalayas has been the divine dispensation entrusted to the people of this glorious country, the Punya Bhumi (the Holy Land). Jai Hind!