Sunday, 1 November 2015


Reservation made for one section of society will lead to the demand for such by other sections as well. This can only fracture society along lines of caste, creed, religion and gender. Rather, responsible governance ought to eradicate discrimination and make way for equality of opportunity for all. Only then will this country stand as a premier nation of the world. And a word of caution too. The government in the name of development must not capitulate before the exploitative power of big business houses. Capitalists have their own silent method of ruinous profit-making. The government belongs to the people of India and, as such, must cater to their interest and not to the wealthy who wish to be wealthier at the cost of the masses. Let the ministers of the Modi Government manifest character in their service to the nation.  

We have to stand together as a nation. Hindus and Muslims must both shed pre-eminent religious identity and identify rather as Indians. Will we oblige?

Liberalism is the way out of the current tangle centred on extreme ideology. But liberalism has its pitfalls too. It often is weak and indecisive. However, enlightened liberalism that focuses on humanity and cultured progressiveness could be the panacea for today's multifarious problems of intolerance and doctrinaire violence.

Peace is prosperity. Let this be ingrained in every Indian as we step out into the comity of nations to take our rightful place. Domestic non-violence is the way. Let us be Gandhians in this for a change.
Development of the nation is the key to solving a mass of her problems but how will capitalistic exploitation be overcome in the wake of it?
Hinduism places man above all creatures and so does Islam. Then why must we fight over issues, however grave, to hurt each other? Let peace be.
Science is unleashing powers man has not the capacity to control. The result may only be annihilation. Compassion is the only hope, loving all the final religion if we are to escape the destructive force of science born out of hateful tendencies of the human mind.
Muslims should all over the world strengthen the hands of liberalism. That is the only way out of their present predicament and of peace.
Patel integrated India. He relinquished his claim to becoming PM though he was the overwhelming favourite among the Congress legislatures.
Monotheistic religions have caused more bloodshed than polytheistic ones because of their fanatical adherence to a single personality and his ideology.
The national identity should come first, not affiliation to respective religions. Hindus and Muslims must remember they are first Indians.
How well the Parsis have adjusted themselves in India! They have never attempted to convert any to their fold here and have been so peaceful.

Kashmir was a blunder for Nehru. Patel would have sorted things out. But the real blunder was Gandhi's non-violence in a violent world.
India stands in constant territorial threat from China, nuclear threat from extreme Pakistan. It is high time to stand unified as a nation.
We have to stand together as a nation. Hindus and Muslims must both shed religious identity and identify rather as Indians. Will we oblige?
Vivekananda's prescription for solving the India question was to go for Vedanta brain and Islam body. In it lay harmony and peace. Jai Hind!
Vedanta brain means vast catholic spirit going to the root of existence in a rational dogma-free manner. Islam body means social cohesion and fraternity.

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