Archaic pronouncements of religion and God are holding humanity hostage to their fanatical objectives. Terror-attacks throughout the world in the name of religion cannot be condoned neither can the substance of their malevolent inspiration be overlooked by simply feigning to delink terrorism and the religious ideology that fuels them. An objective study of all fanatical faiths needs to be conducted by experts and scholars to arrive at a meeting-ground for possible harmony. If such a move fails as is most likely to be in the teeth of terrible opposition by these fanatical ideologues, then humankind ought to subscribe better to reason than to faith that is archaic, exclusive and absolutist. Unless vast numbers of people are rational and go about the business of life on the basis of independent thinking based on reason and evidence, that is, a scientific temper, a counter-movement that can thwart the malicious motives of these materialists masquerading as religious personalities cannot be set into motion. The imperative of the hour is, thus, to propagate the pristine humanistic principles of the Vedas and the Upanishads along with new age thinking which set the status of humanity above scriptural texts and the evolution of human thinking above fixed prophetic pronouncements. So long as exclusive religions propagate the inviolability of revelations perceived by their founding fathers and their flock submit their faculties to subservience to such singular superstition, large-scale reasonableness among them is an unlikely outcome and irrational misbehaviour climaxing in actual acts of terror will continue to hold the world hostage. The only way out is the imparting of scientific education among the children of the world but, even then, rejection of religious bigotry is a far cry for it seems that violence is fed into the very DNA of humankind and it will take a lot of sufferance and painful experience before humanity finally awakes to reason and truth. Till then peace be unto all!
Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!
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