Children are the fairest flowers of humanity and the hope of a human renaissance if only they be spared of religious and political indoctrination when they are in bud. Let their faculties grow in alliance with natural principles coupled with intellectual training following reason and evidence-based judgement rather than superimpositions of irrational dogmas of religion whereby their freedom of thinking is beset and personality permanently perverted towards unthinking acceptance of and adherence to fanatical faith-decrees. A generation of children educated the right way may end the pernicious maladies of the present day and usher in a golden age of humanity where peace and prosperity will make life benign and the toxicity of past ages will have been washed away by the enlightenment that will follow in the wake of rectified vision of these future citizens of the world.
The terrorist organizations and their religious ideologues are having a full meal today but on the morrow of such enlightenment will die a natural death through want of support from the enlightened citizenry of the world. The oblivion will be swift, scientific, natural and non-violent but the moot question remains---will such an educational programme be possible to implement worldwide given the current political imperatives? Nonetheless, democracies must attempt to bring to fruition this new academic programme on a war-footing if we are to avoid a Third World War in the not-too-distant future. Pope Francis is perhaps prophetically right that the Paris Terror Attack is in fact the first shot fired of the Third World War. We have to prove him wrong to survive as a species on this already violently challenged planet where environmental fever threatens to snuff out life before we have time to react or recover.
It is a momentous moment friends, my fellow earth-mates, and we must seriously ponder modes and methods to combat the terror from religious fundamentalists as also the peril precipitated by our gluttonous living and consumerist obsession. The cause of both is within us and the solution lies there as well. Human ignorance has generated the present crisis and human knowledge will dispel it. Let us then work towards the future and take the present stand not to pollute the minds of the children with the decadent inheritance of past ages, irrational ideologies, faiths and religions having no substance in reason or rational thinking with archaic autocratic pronouncements as their sole basis which one must submit to as gospel truth of an unknown God whose cruel fiat crushes life out of innocence and renders youth sterile. Unto us belongs this earth, unto us are bequeathed its bounties and unto us remains the choice of making or breaking our future.
Hail Humanity! No God is greater than thee that shall shape thy destiny. Now awake, O blissful souls, and take thy rightful inheritance of thy divinity and bring forth the true renaissance of the human race through right thought, right action and right knowledge. Let reason be the guide and love the impelling force behind your social endeavours and let an abiding curiosity career you through the mysteries of life and Nature in pursuit of truth temporal and truth transcendental, free and impersonal, radiant and blissful, without the trappings of tradition or tyranny, dogma or decree, autocracy or authority. Let the fountain of knowledge be free for all to slake their thirst and let true democracy reign in the world unhindered by enforcement, infringement or debasement.
To such a dawn, my friends,
I send these lines tonight,
They'll waft through the starry skies
To welcome you with the light.
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