Wednesday 11 November 2015


The only way to rescue our country from poverty and ignorance is for each one of us to work hard for her redemption. Education is the panacea. Widespread proliferation of liberal scientific ideas will rationalize the masses leading to peace and prosperity for all. Then the problems of socio-economic exploitation may be worked out in an atmosphere of enlightened rationality, illumined humanity.

Abusive language is proof of paucity of vocabulary, not of being protagonist of a cause. It is time to be civil in our national discourse and not profane as becomes the vulgar mob. Political leaders lose credibility when they resort to malicious personal attacks on each other, indulging in invectives to suit imperatives of the hour without a thought spared for the declining standards of public life that such irresponsible behaviour leads to. Leaders, now be led for once by decency and not by deceit. The masses are awaking. Beware!

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