Sunday, 2 November 2014


Truthfulness means truth of statement, purpose and intent, truth of motivation, aspiration and endeavour, truth of action and enterprise, above all, truth of principle and realization all pervasive, all embracing where 'exclusion' is a word excluded and doctrinaire dogmatism a falsity shunned. Such truthfulness ever ascending over a period of 12 years or so, it is said, opens up the Medha Nadi (the nerve of creative intelligence) through which flows divine knowledge setting the soul free.

A grosser truthfulness for 12 years is easier attained but is insufficient to attain to Truth which is perceivable only by flow of the subtlest of nerve currents through nerves as yet dormant but which will wake up in the fullness of time under the force of subtle thinking backed up by absolute purity and truthfulness. 12 years of truthfulness and 12 years of Brahmacharya (continence) go hand in hand without which spiritual realization remains a distant dream. Ordinarily, attempts to scale the heights of spiritual perception end in the folly of the soul being deluded into stumbled realizations far adrift from the essence of it all and this leads to so much of chaos in the world of religion where sect battles against sect and world religions go shallower by the day as they grow in numbers. It is all due to the fault-lines that have remained in the original message of the founding fathers of these fanatical faiths who had but partial access to the highest citadels of Truth and thereby came to but a fractional apprehension of it which by fanatical affirmation they pronounced as the alpha and the omega of Truth. And all this because they stumbled onto Truth owing to lack of sufficient spiritual preparation following yogic discipline, to quote Swami Vivekananda, and because they were not continent enough to refine their nervous system sufficiently to gain complete comprehension of transcendental Truth in its non-dual aspect which would have dispelled the residual dark in the corridors of their souls and set them free of dualistic pitfalls which have since inception plagued the religions founded by them.

Such then are the spiritual imperatives, absolute adherence to truth and perfect purity in thought, word and deed. Now look around and find one who is the embodiment of these and you will have known the Prophet of the hour and of all time to come. Friend, may I suggest one? He is standing by the bank of the Ganga near the Panchavati Tree expectantly to enfold you in his spiritual grace. Tarry no more, rush on lest the hour passes by. He is the sage of Dakshineswar, God in the guise of a Brahman priest, Ramakrishna.

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