Monday, 17 November 2014


Wish to realize God? Then drown your ego in service to all. They who are the visible manifestations of the Lord must be served. In it is the highest good and this is Yugadharma, the austerity of the Age, the spirituality of the times.This puny ego must go, this little self, this identification with smallness, all this pettiness must be swept away if beatitude is to be reached. All power is within you and must be brought forth into active play for furtherance of your own good and the good of the world. This is a spiritual imperative today for you devotees, especially those of you who have been blessed with initiation from an advanced soul, for the world is burning and the fire needs to be doused before it consumes all. The Lord has manifested Himself in this Age once more, this time in the guise of a poor Brahman priest and we are but His extensions, we who are the inheritors of His grace, the carriers of His message and spirit, the instruments and agencies of His mission. Must we fail Him who gave His all for us?

It is so cumbersome, this descent of the Divine, so arduous, so painful for the Infinite to bind Itself up in a finite form, for the ever-blissful Lord, free and pure, to enter this dungeon where all is fraught with disease and misery, and yet He, of His own volition---for who can force Him?---, out of His boundless mercy, chooses to be with us, His children, for but a brief hour that we may set our lives right, that the terrestrial conditions may be adjusted to suit the furtherance of life and its great evolutionary purpose. He lived just the other day on the bank of the Ganga at Dakshineswar, preaching His nectarine Gospel, singing and dancing in ecstasy like a soul inebriated and casting out of clay, moulds of men, whereby a new civilization may yet arise to approximate man to God.

Knowing this to be your inheritance, this the legacy of Ramakrishna who you worship, O devotees, cast off this inertia and rightfully take up your cross to further the Cause of the Master through devoted service to Him in the many, the afflicted, the miserable, the lonesome and the diseased, the poor and the destitute, the soulful and the sorrowful. This is true worship of the Divine in this Age, this the real measure of your spirituality. May Ramakrishna make messiahs of men from among you for did not the great Swami Vivekananda say: "Wait not for a prophet to come and save you but be a prophet unto others."?

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