Monday 17 November 2014



1. Be truthful.
2. Be pure.
3. Read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna daily.
4. Follow your spiritual preceptor's instructions religiously.
5. Meditate at dawn and dusk when Nature is tranquil and the nerve channels are open to higher vibrations.
6. Eat moderately only such food stuff which is not exciting.
7. Sleep well from 10:45 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Never sleep during daytime for it fractures the memory and induces tamas (ignorance).
8. Avoid arguments over trivial issues for they disturb the finer thought currents.
9. Donate generously but never thoughtlessly towards social causes, especially, the Mission of Ramakrishna which is to bring peace on Earth hereafter.
10. Keep good company, avoid evil company and, on a disciplined basis, seek the company of the sages and saints of the Ramakrishna Order. This will induce sattwa (serenity) so very essential for meditative concentration.

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