Thursday 14 August 2014


The Avatar of the Age, the greatest in history in the view of no less a personality than Vivekananda, Ramakrishna's advent has ushered in the Satya Yuga (Age of Truth and Enlightenment) on earth. Such incessant ecstasy, immersion in samadhi (spiritual trance) and spiritual outpourings thereof is unique in the annals of history. The summation of the spiritual experience of the sages of the past, Ramakrishna remains the proof of the existence of God in this age of scientific scepticism and the hope of the survival of the human species in this dangerous nuclear age when man has armed himself against brother man in a suicidal bid for political domination. The Paramahamsa, peerless in his spiritual attainments, is mankind's final refuge, its last repose, its ultimate resting place.

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