Thursday, 21 August 2014


Dear friend,

My intention was to convey that Sri Ramakrishna was, in the view of no less a personality than Swami Vivekananda, the greatest Avatar in human history. This has unfortunately the side connotation as you perhaps felt that Vivekananda was hereby being graded as being no less a personality than Ramakrishna which however is an oblique understanding of the phrase in the present context and by no means the perfect understanding of the reference. It is a usage which I think is slightly double-edged if one wishes to see it at a slant but for all purposes it ought to seem to the reader universally as carrying the meaning intended that the estimate about Ramakrishna was being made by no less a personality than Vivekananda, the comparison of the Swami being made thereby to the Swami himself and not to his Divine Master. Sorry for your confusion in apprehension of the text but such is the beauty of the English language that leaves nuances to shed a variant light and cover up intentions conscious or unconscious. Thank you dear friend for taking your valuable time off to read my insignificant post about the most significant personality of the Age and for pointing out your disapproval of the said phrase which has greatly endeared you to me as it betokens your sincere love for the divine duo Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, the dual symphony of the single Self.

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