Friday 1 August 2014


Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India is catering to the eye treatment of thousands of marginalized people of North Bihar who are suffering the pangs of extreme poverty and its concomitant evils, the most glaring of which is an absolute lack of proper health-care facilities as befits a dignified human being. These divinities are going blind by the day as eye treatment they can neither access nor afford for the remote places they inhabit does not have much of eye-care facility. Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Muzaffarpur has taken up the challenge to meet this malady head on and is trying to bring these children of God to its Eye Hospital at Muzaffarpur to give them the necessary eye-care. For this the Mission needs to purchase a MOBILE MEDICAL VAN with complete eye-care facility so that it is possible to access these remote zones, hold eye-camp there for spot treatment and bring back difficult cases to the hospital for operation. Due to acute shortage of funds it is beyond the capacity of the Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Muzaffarpur to purchase the MEDICAL VAN at the estimated cost of 18 lakh rupees (INR) / Rs 18,00,000. The Operation Theatre facility at the hospital is of no use if poor patients cannot be brought over from their remote villages to it. It therefore is so very urgent to purchase this MOBILE MEDICAL VAN to save the situtaion. We urge all devotees, friends and sympathetic people to come up, join hands with us and help raise the 18 lakh rupees required for the purchase of the MEDICAL VAN. It is our holy duty to do so.

Read carefully this web page before contributing. All details of how to donate and where to donate are given here :

Any contribution is a godsend for us and will be thankfully acknowledged by RAMAKRISHNA MISSION SEVASHRAMA, MUZAFFARPUR, BIHAR, INDIA. The names of the donors will be published in the Mission's Annual Report.

We look forward to your help and trust your charitable spirit for this worthiest of causes for the poorest of the poor of India.

P.S. : Attach a letter along with your cheque / check or demand draft mentioning the following :

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