1. Cultivate self-confidence. Do not doubt yourself ever.
2. Have faith in your abilities, however limited they may seem to be right now. Cultivate them and they will increase.
3. Rome was not built in a day. Have patience. Work on. Slowly build yourself.
4. Be sincere in whatever you do.
5. Concentrate intensely on whatever you do. Do not be casual in anything.
6. Steadfastness, consistency, stability---these are essential attributes.
7. Manifest character and firmness but be kindness personified in the same breath.
8. Hopefulness and good cheer are vital for living a fruitful life. A despairing person leads a burdensome existence.
9. The life of one is the life of the many. Learn to rejoice in others' achievements and learn to share your own with others. Isolation now in focussed endeavour, intermingling now in collective enterprise, a concentrated discovery of oneself in solitude and a shared identity in macro-individuality---these are the hallmarks of greatness.
10. When in times of trouble,
When the soul is sore,
Sink in your Self
To self restore.
There's none in this
So close to you
As you yourself
For evermore.
So be like the rhino
That heeds not any
When the ways of the
Have cast a wound too
Live like a princess
Though the world calls
you pauper,
Knowing life to be
And empty its coffer.
10. মানুষকে ছেড়ে 'ভগবানের' পূজো | এই না হলে ভীমরতি ? [Worshipping God, leaving man? If this is not lunacy, what is?]
11. To make a mistake is good,
To learn from it better,
But not to repeat it is
best of all.
12. যে দেশে গুণীর সম্মান নেই,
সে দেশের উন্নতি হয় না | [A nation in which talent is not recognised, can such a nation rise?]
13. Be confident and conquering.
14. Words fail where character isn't. Words rule where character supports.
15. Some people have no self-confidence throughout their lives. Be not one of them. Trust your abilities, your destiny to be great. Have faith in yourself. Wean your faults away but forgive your lapses. Self-hatred opens the gateway to self-degeneration. Do not allow that. Always remember there is someone holding you from behind.
16. Self-doubt is not a good pastime, self-belief is. Affirm your positives and the negatives will drop off themselves. As Thakur said, "If you move towards the east, the west will fall behind."
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