Friday, 7 March 2025



1. Cultivate self-confidence. Do not doubt yourself ever.

2. Have faith in your abilities, however limited they may seem to be right now. Cultivate them and they will increase.

3. Rome was not built in a day. Have patience. Work on. Slowly build yourself.

4. Be sincere in whatever you do.

5. Concentrate intensely on whatever you do. Do not be casual in anything.

6. Steadfastness, consistency, stability---these are essential attributes.

7. Manifest character and firmness but be kindness personified in the same breath.

8. Hopefulness and good cheer are vital for living a fruitful life. A despairing person leads a burdensome existence.

9. The life of one is the life of the many. Learn to rejoice in others' achievements and learn to share your own with others. Isolation now in focussed endeavour, intermingling now in collective enterprise, a concentrated discovery of oneself in solitude and a shared identity in macro-individuality---these are the hallmarks of greatness.

10. When in times of trouble, 

       When the soul is sore,

       Sink in your Self

       To self restore.

       There's none in this 


       So close to you

       As you yourself

       For evermore.

       So be like the rhino

       That heeds not any

       When the ways of the


       Have cast a wound too


       Live like a princess

       Though the world calls

       you pauper,

       Knowing life to be


       And empty its coffer.

10. মানুষকে ছেড়ে 'ভগবানের' পূজো | এই না হলে ভীমরতি ? [Worshipping God, leaving man? If this is not lunacy, what is?]

11. To make a mistake is good,

      To learn from it better,

      But not to repeat it is

      best of all.

12. যে দেশে গুণীর সম্মান নেই,

      সে দেশের উন্নতি হয় না | [A nation in which talent is not recognised, can such a nation rise?]

13. Be confident and conquering.

Monday, 3 March 2025

NEHRU ... 1

NEHRU ... 1

Nehru was the greatest Prime Minister we have had and he leaves others miles behind in achievement despite his obvious failings that needs must be owing to constraining historical circumstances and ideological inclinations, even idealistic propensities and personal predilection to which one is susceptible to. He stands head and shoulders above the Prime Ministers who followed him but that is quite natural given Nehru's attributes and standing as one of the tallest stalwarts of the freedom movement. That he is most misunderstood today is largely on account of the leadership in his party that followed him which in so many ways could not and did not live up to the excellent standards he had originally set which is still helping the country on towards progress and prosperity albeit along a somewhat directionless blind alleyway which will force future leaders to engage in upgradation of the current system operating not as one would best hope for it to be.

Written by Sugata Bose

Sunday, 2 March 2025



What synthesis will I seek in religion when I am the synthesis of all the past of the world, of all the diverse genetic strains from the savage to the sublime? Harmony must be of the forces within and not of the incompatible opposites in the external world in perpetual conflict seeking an impossible resolution. All these talks of tolerance and acceptance of, of coexistence and cooperation with antithetical elements seeking supremacy over the rest are so much puerile prattle. Society is savage in its present denomination where commerce rules in its neobarbaric way, creating war and peace as it pleases to suit convenience. There is not much humanity anywhere anyway as greed and gain grind humanity to their preferred powder. The rationalisation for pecuniary pursuit is camouflaging of real intent, that of giving free play to predatorial instinct. Humanity must be preyed upon by a select few and humanity thus obliterated barring pretentious pulpit preaching of it most by the predatorial nations in the name of human rights, democracy and freedom. The world has seen barbarism throughout its past but never quite like it witnesses today when nations are being destroyed simply to appease the appetite of crony capitalists of criminal mentality. We have indeed moved away from the age of imperial inhumanity to that of commercial corruption of a blood-sucking type and it has been a movement indeed! Now this is our inheritance and this our present which I embody where all the streams have flown into me and keeping flowing, for I am the source of all projection, of all reflection, of the manifold manifestation whose primitive primer we are for millions of millenia witnessing but whose day is not done yet, for a divine dawn awaits yet.

Written by Sugata Bose

মহামন্ত্র আজ আর মানছে কে ?

মহামন্ত্র আজ আর 
মানছে কে ?


আধ্যাত্মিক প্রতিষ্ঠানগুলি ততদিন আধ্যাত্মিক থাকেন যতদিন তারা 'টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা' এই মহামন্ত্র পালন করেন | যেদিন টাকার প্রয়োজন প্রসারিত কর্মের কারণে তপস্যার চেয়ে অধিক বলে প্রতীয়মান হতে থাকে, সেদিন আধ্যাত্মিকতা হ্রাস পায় | স্বয়ং স্বামীজীই এই সাবধানবাণী দিয়ে গেছেন | আর যতদিন তপস্যার গভীরতা থাকে, ততদিন অর্থের অনর্থক প্রয়োজনীয়তা অনুভব হয় না | 

প্রসাদবিক্রয় ভাল নয় | আধ্যাত্মিক বক্তৃতার বিনিময়ে মূল্য ধার্য করা ও সেই অনুযায়ী টিকিট বিক্রয় করা আধ্যাত্মিকতাকে কলুষিত করে | এ সবের দ্বারা ধর্মাচরণ বিঘ্নিত হয়, অধর্ম বৃদ্ধি পায় | এই সব কথা প্রকৃত সাধু মাত্রেই বুঝবেন | অর্থলোলুপ, অহংস্ফীত, বিষয়াসক্ত সামান্য জনের এ কথা বোধগম্য কদাপি হবে না |

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)