Monday, 25 December 2023



It is all here. There is no hereafter. The hereafter itself is here. This location and dislocation business is a thought-trap based on experience and imagination of spatial extension. The channel changes on the television screen showing up new places, scenes and environs. But the screen remains the same. So also with the Self over which sensory superimpositions cast their distinctive images separated by space and time. But in transcendence relativity vanishes and the Absolute reveals itself shorn of all such distinctive designs. It is an integrated Whole without parts or joints, a seamless realm of Self-conscious existence. Upon return to relativity in its finest sense, the frozen moment stretches to engender ticking time and the consciousness-dense void extends to build the fabric of expansive space. Complex conception it may seem from the standpoint of mundane multiplicity but when Self-realisation dawns, things become apparent as the solidified integrated consciousness splits up into diverse thoughts, the One in lonesomeness wishes to become the Many, and lo and behold, the manifold universe comes into being, the single solidified substratum of superconsciousness is enveloped by the mist of multiplicity. That state of transcendence is here and now, and not there and then. It is all here. It is all now.

Written by Sugata Bose

P.S. My responses to observations made by a reader : Television---that is why Thakur spoke in parables.

Philosophy eludes ordinary conception. Myths and tales, parables and rustic notes make accessible subtle truths. But in analogy so often the subtlety of the original concept is lost. Thus is the Spirit rudely rendered into Matter, so to say, in an altered vein. This itself is idolatry that universally prevails upon the mind of the mundane man.

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