Sunday 24 December 2023



Spirituality is mostly materialism all over. Does the Spirit preach, convert or accumulate wealth? The Spirit just abides and in so 'doing'---for, abiding is hardly doing anything beyond being silently present---spreads its aroma around. Those that come within its ambit are magnetically drawn and transformed, raised unto Self-consciousness. There is neither sound nor word but the tranquil Presence that uplifts. Violence of preaching gone, proselytising takes to its wings and peace abounds, which is the essence and end of spirituality.

Whither spirituality in institutionalised religion, organisation et al? The individual is violated upon by those who wish in their own ignorance to raise him, the blind leading the blind unto the blind alleyway of life and its dead end in death. Hands off, preacher, priest, proselytiser, prophet! Who you wish to save is already saved, says Vivekananda. He is divine and needs not your saving grace. Om!

Written by Sugata Bose 

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