Friday 18 October 2019


(Cigarette smoking is injurious to health.)

The film is heavily tilted towards the Gumnami Baba angle despite pretensions to the contrary. For the 'evidence' and 'instances' cited in savour of the monk incognito narrative are a plethora compared to that of the Aircrash version. The Russian angle, for lack of evidence, has been omitted altogether barring a flashy representation of torture in incarceration.

The shooting of the film was triggered by the publication of the book 'Conundrum', so it was initially claimed by its authors and left uncontested by the film-maker Srijit Mukherjee. However, when litigation followed against his supposed misadventure, the latter took cover under the Justide Mukherjee Commission Report and saw to the film's safe passage unto release.

End of Part 5
To be continued...

Written by Sugata Bose
(Cigarette smoking is injurious to health.)

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