Monday, 2 January 2017


People spend so much on the education of their children and it is good that they do so. But how many spend enough to serve their dying parents who have become dispensable material to them? Those that do lovingly serve are blessed. Those that do not, shame on them! And those that neglect, extort and torture the very ones that brought them into the world and lovingly reared them, what words would suffice to condemn such vileness?
It is beautiful to be born, welcomed by the wide world, loved and adored by all at one's very inception of life on earth. Let us die beautifully as well, loved and held to the heart by our near and dear ones and not cast aside as so much garbage, material that has lost all value and must now be dumped into the waste-bin till death, the final friend, releases us from the clutches of those we held as our dearest through life but who have now turned sour in their affections for our failing selves.

Parents do so much for us, selflessly and with what surpassing love! Ought not we to at least look after them in their old age when they are debilitated by disease? Ought we to be enjoying our hours, pursuing career success and buying property at their expense while they lie in their sick-beds unfed, untended, bereft and befuddled by life's ignominies? And when the end comes, must we celebrate the occasion as relief at last form the dark days of living with disease while outwardly shedding tears in profusion to hoodwink the world and then to engage in wasteful expenditure on memorial service, money that in time could have been better spent to provide relief to the dying parent? These are pertinent points to ponder and I leave them for your due deliberation. There must be humanity in our dealings with our aged parents. Else, it will be annihilation for all, for they are the very source of our lives. Beware!

Jai Ramakrishna!

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