Friday 20 January 2017


Help the Ramakrishna Mission in its work for human redemption, for the recovery of the nation from the oppression of a thousand years by alien culture and for propagation of the unique message of the Vedas of universal peace and harmony so very beautifully exemplified in the lives of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. Devotees, unite your forces to uphold the cause of the Mother and the Master and, so, bring about the collective good of all. There are many branch centres whose expansion projects are in need of financial help and these are well worth visiting. Ramakrishna Math, Baranagar, is one such centre where the tireless and disciplined effort of Swami Vamanananda in conjunction with lay volunteers and sincere devotees is bringing to fruition the aspirant's dream, the resurrection of the ancient site of the original Baranagar Math which was the first monastery of the Master's Mission.

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