Monday 23 June 2014


One of the stalwarts of the Bengal Renaissance who after the demise of Raja Ram Mohan Roy went about reforming society with a singular zeal and great enlightenment. He was the principal personality behind the British move to enact the Widow Remarriage Bill in 1856. He founded a number of schools, pioneered women's education and was along with Ram Mohan Roy one of the founding fathers of the modern Bengali prose. A selfless worker who sacrificed his all for the emancipation of his countrymen, Vidyasagar was crowned with the glory of the Avatar of the Age Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa gracing him with a visit to his house. What followed was sheer poetry, sublimity at its beauteous best. Our prostrations to this leonine soul, another of the forgotten heroes of the Nation. Jai Hind !

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