Once more I stand on the shore of a new awakening. The sun has circumambulated the heavens yet again. Again I stand at the junction of a dual path with their respective claims on me. India I choose this solitary time as the destiny of my dreams. The royal avenue I traverse today has been trodden by sages of yore, the path of dharma. Sanatana Dharma is in the fabric of my being, is the substance of my soul. Here on the banks of the Saraswati, in the high hills of the Himalayas, in the Naimisha forests was discovered the pristine philosophy of the Vedas, the mother of all religions of the world. Like the rolling waters of the Ganga, herefrom have emanated the loftiest principles of human thinking, revelations divine, spirituality sublime. Such a pilgrimage I choose to make today in my dreams and deeds, my hopes and aspirations, my mission for my Motherland. Myself am an insignificant being but the Nation matters and the life of India is the life of the world for herein is throbbing the life-blood of spirituality. The world is in oblivion of its deepest self and India holds this pristine truth in her bosom right from the dawn of civilization, from the remotest antiquity where history dares not peep. The highest principles of life and living are entrusted to India since time immemorial and she has enshrined them in her sanctum sanctorum for ages that she may inundate the world with them whenever times are propitious. India has gathered spiritual energy for millenia and her very nerve-fibre is loaded with the thought-current of the sages for which she must render account before the nations of the world for it is the common heritage of humanity, these principles of the Spirit, these vibrations of God. Time it is when our national heritage must become the property of the world, our Vedanta philosophy must be the bedrock of progressive world thinking and the Sanatana Dharma (The Perennial Philosophy of the Vedas ) must become dynamic for in it are contained the seeds of survival and flourishing of the human race.
Standing today at 53 orbits of the sun from the moment of my first inspiration, I pledge to dedicate the dying embers of my soul towards the fulfilment of this one dream, the propagation of the message of the sages of India across the wide world for the spiritualization of the human race. My hours are up but my hopes are large for as yet an army of workers will carry forth the message of the Vedas across the corners of the earth. As yet will rise Vivekananda's youth brigade that will conquer the materialism of the world with the spirituality of the Upanishads. The gurgling sound of the Ganga, the soft murmur of the Sarasawati, the gentle breeze from the Himalayas, all bear the Music of India, the Symphony of the Soul. It is for us to dive deep in this ocean of spiritual treasures that our Mother has enwombed for us to be rejuvenated and for us thereon to march unto distant lands carrying the message of peace and harmony and of the divinity of all existence. India must live to save the world from extinction. The way the world is poised, it might lead to another cataclysmic war that will spell the eventual doom of man. Or, perhaps as Einstein feared, an environmental holocaust will seal the fate of man. Either way, India is the solution. The Sanatan Dharma (The Perennial Philosophy of the Vedas) holds the key to the survival of humankind. Herein lies the global significance of India and her spirituality. The world must seek guidance from the spiritual masters of India and make a deep study of the Vedanta Philosophy that it may arrive at the life-giving principles enshrined in the sacred texts of India and adjusting them to their respective needs, the nations of the world must emerge triumphant in this hour of greatest peril when the future of humankind hangs by a slender thread above the yawning chasm of deep destruction. Shall India fail to deliver her message in this her hour of trial, at this perilous hour when humanity stands at the edge of an abyss, when civilization is poised at the crossroads of its future existence ? The world expectantly waits on. Arise India and save the world. Unto you belongs the key to the future of terrestrial human life. Jai Hind !
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