This mere boy should put us to shame that we do not do enough for our motherland and live lives of ease and indolence when the crying call of the hour is 'Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached'. The goal is the rebuilding of our motherland along the spiritual lines set by our ancient and our modern rishis who have laid down for us the blueprint of India's destiny.
Take courage, my friends, from the supreme self-sacrifice of this young lad, not even out of his teens, and rebuild your own selves by observing the brahmacharya needed to feel the pulsations of the mother-heart, Bharatvarsha. Let the ruddy drops shed from the holy bodies of these heroes for their beloved Mother not go in vain. Love India intensely and help build her from the ruins of ages of tyranny.
Our martyrs look towards us anxiously. May we fulfil their unfulfilled dreams! May we rise to become the true children of our motherland and not Macaulay's descendants! We owe it to our nation, we owe it to our martyrs, we owe it to our higher selves. Therefore, onward. Down with indolence and up with the work. Jai Hind!
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