Thursday 8 December 2016


The Hindu space is shrinking by the day and it is time we start aggressively proselytising our philosophy if we are to survive as a race.

All Hindus must read the four yogas of Vivekananda to get a clear understanding of the religion of their forefathers. Then read the Geeta.

The weakness of Gandhi and his impractical application of non-violence which led to Partition is also now the cause of global terrorism emanating from Pakistan.

The Jews are a very intelligent race and it is worthwhile for India to cultivate friendship with Israel. Also, China is not to be trusted at all. Hence, Japan is a far better option for alliance in trade and bilateral relations. Japan will eventually balance China in Asian affairs and so must India.
Swami Vivekananda spent his best years in America for he must have envisioned a great future of humanity emanating from there. India must repose faith in the rishi and build up a strong relation of friendship with USA.

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