Tuesday, 27 December 2016


Let us show our feeling for people when they are alive and not shed copious tears when they are gone; let us visit them when they lie in their sick-beds suffering the agony of old age and failing health and not visit their corpses when the drama is over; let us bring a smile to their faces when time there still is and not make merry forsaking them to the care of care-givers; let us weep with them and laugh with them for they are the source of our breath and not neglect them for want of love in us; let us endure a thousand miseries to make them happy who had brought us into the world and do so even while they bless us with their presence; let us nurse them and love them and seek their love in turn that they may feel life yet worthwhile and not leave this world desolate and despairing; let us be human in every sense to bring humanity to our selves as we live close to them who are our kith and kin but are failing to cope with the physical pressures of life; above all, let us be peaceful so that our dear ones do not spend their last days seeking peace in agony without the slightest humanity in their environment to give them succour as they battle to live and to die with neither God nor man to support them. May Sri Ramakrishna give consciousness to all who are due to take care of the aged ones but fail to do so owing to character-failings! May they see the divine in these helpless beings in the evening of their lives! May the impending light of the hereafter be not clouded by looming shadow darkening into the desolate night! May they live in bliss and die in peace, loved and cared for by all they care for and not forsaken by those that are dearest to them! May Mother guide all towards goodness, a spirit of sacrifice and service for the old and the dying! Jai Thakur! Jai Ma!  

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