The class divide taking place in Indian society despite the fast-growing size of the Indian economy is alarming. Increase of national wealth is welcome but it is creating this rift between the poor and the rich, the increasing economic disparity which is tending to rupture long-standing harmonious social relations today. The plight of the poor is such that, pitted against the forces of crony capitalism, they are well-nigh driven to desperation as they battle to live out their daily ordeal on Earth which the privileged term 'life'. Alongside this sinking mass of humanity is another class, the middle-class, which is slowly being drawn into the vortex of gravitating capital that is rendering society into a two-fold battle-ground or, shall we say, a future war-zone where there shall be open class-conflict leading to horrendous national consequence as has been the experience of erstwhile communist states. The conflict of classes does in no way address the central issue of economic deprivation of the masses and we have ample testimony to that in the bygone century where the enforced socialist system has been a miserable failure, and yet, systematic exploitation of the masses by means of this profit-wringing mechanism we call capitalism is dealing death-blow to the destitute and reducing others to destitution. For all the fanfare over the rise of the middle classes in our expanding economy, the sad fact is that, sooner or later, these hapless millions that go by the aforesaid name are ground to ground zero by the advancing tide of capitalism that caters only to the coffers of the rich and spares not a pittance for the poor. Is this system going to last and, that too, harmoniously? It is for you to judge. Jai Hind!
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